

Territories are displayed by city, publisher, type or worked date [2] in the territory list box [1]. You can assign territories, display their boundaries and find territories by address.

Territory Manager

Take the following steps to start managing your territories:

Territory Map

Zoom to a Territory

  1. Double-click a territory in the territory list box.
  2. The map is refreshed and displays the full extent of the selected territory.

Zoom to the Full Extent of the Congregation's Territory

  1. Press the button
  2. The map is refreshed and displays the full extent of the congregation's territory.

Show/Hide Territories

  1. Stiskněte tlačítko Ukázat/skrýt obvody. Zobrazení se změní mezi těmito hodnotami:
    Zobrazit všechny obvody
    Skrýt všechny obvody
    Zobrazit pouze vybrané obvody
  2. The map is refreshed and displays the territories according to the current setting.

Zobrazit/Skrýt ulice

  1. Press the Show/hide streets button. The display changes between the following modes:
    Show all streets
    Hide all streets
    Show streets of the selected territory only
  2. The map is refreshed and displays the streets according to the current setting.

Show/Hide Markers

  1. Stiskněte tlačítko Zobrazit/skrýt značky . Zobrazení se mění mezi následujícími režimy:
    Ukázat všechny značky
    Skrýt všechny značky
    Ukázat značky vybraného obvodu
  2. The map is refreshed and displays the markers according to the current setting.

Switch Map Edit Mode

It is possible to switch between viewing and editing the map contents.

  1. Stiskněte tlačítko Přepnout režim úprav. K dispozici jsou následující režimy:
    Editovat adresové značky
    Editovat hranice obvodu
  2. Depending on the selected mode different functions are available.

Find Territory by Address

  1. Click on the search field.
  2. Type in the address.
  3. Hit the enter key. Markers show the search result in the map.
  4. Click on the map and select the territory.

Edit Territories

Add a Territory

  1. Use the button to add a territory.
  2. Edit the territory attributes.

Edit Territory Attributes

  1. Select the territory in the territory list box or in the map.
  2. Enter the territory number in the No. field.
  3. In Locality type in the locality of the territory.
  4. Click in the City box and choose a city.
  5. Click in the Type box and choose a type.
  6. Place the cursor in the Remark field and start typing, if you want to add a remark.

Remove a Territory

  1. Select a territory in the territory list box.
  2. Click the  button to remove the selected territory.

Import Territory Boundaries

  1. Click the button.
  2. In the Import territory data dialog select the option Territory boundaries.
  3. Click on the button.
  4. Select a KML-file in the Open file dialog.
  5. In the Match KML Fields box choose the fields that correspond to the Name and Description of a territory in the KML-file.
    Territories are searched by the assigned Name field. If no territory is found, a new territory will be created. If the Description field is assigned, the corresponding value will be saved.
    Přiřaďte Název pokud je charakteristický
  6. Use the option Search by "Description" if territory is not found by "Name" to include the Description field also in the search.
    tuto možnost použijte, pokud je Popis charakteristický.
  7. Click on the Import button.
You can use Google Maps to create a KML-file. Sign in and create a map. When you finish drawing the shape of a territory, enter the territory number in the Name field and the locality in the Description field. Finally you can save your map by clicking on the Export to KML menu item.

Draw a Territory's Boundary

  1. Switch edit mode to edit territory boundaries .
  2. Select a territory in the territory list box or in the map.
  3. Click the button.
  4. Click along the corners of the territory area in the map. The new territory area is displayed in red.
    Zoom in and snap to the corners of a neighboring territory to avoid holes between them. As you move the mouse close to a point of the boundary, the cursor signals when snapping is possible.
    You can cancel drawing by pressing the Escape key and undo the last point by pressing the Backspace key.
  5. Click with the right mouse button on the map to finish drawing.

Remove a Territory's Boundary

  1. Switch edit mode to edit territory boundaries .
  2. Select a territory in the map.
  3. Click the button.

Split a Territory

Split territory

It is possible to split a territory and divide it into two parts. Each part will inherit the territory attributes (besides the territory number) and the record of assignments, while the addresses and streets will be divided according to the new boundaries.

  1. Switch edit mode to edit territory boundaries .
  2. Select the territory in the territory list box or in the map.
  3. Click the button.
  4. Click along the path [3] where you want to divide the territory.
    Start [1] and finish outside the territory and (if possible) snap to an existing point [2], before you continue drawing over the territory. Do it likewise before you leave the territory [4].
    You can cancel drawing by pressing the Escape key and undo the last point by pressing the Backspace key.
  5. Click around the area [5] you want to cut off. This part will be used to create a new territory.
  6. Click with the right mouse button on the map to finish drawing and to split the selected territory.

Spojit obvody

You can join two territories. The boundary, streets and addresses of one territory will be be added to another, while the territory itself and its assignment record will be maintained and can be removed later if necessary.

  1. Switch edit mode to edit territory boundaries .
  2. Select the territory in the territory list box or in the map to which you want to join another territory.
  3. Right-click the territory in the map you want to join to the selected territory.
  4. Select the menu item Join to the selected territory.