{0}, Your BookCrossing.com password has been reset to: {1} (You may change it after logging in.) Regards, support@bookcrossing.com 如果你已經是會員,忘記了你的用戶名和/或密碼,請提供你的註冊電郵地址以開始恢復過程。 如果你不知道你的電郵地址,或者已無使用權,請使用此頁面底部的“聯繫我們”按鈕向書遊記支援中心發信息。 請等待兩分鐘內送抵的電子郵件,其中包含有關完成密碼恢復過程的後續步驟的說明。 要重置你的書遊記密碼,請在創建帳號後 2 小時內點擊以下鏈接: {1} 書遊記支援中心謹啟 support@bookcrossing.com Unable to process password reset request (likely because it is more than 2 hours old or has already been processed). Contact support if you continue to have problems. You have been temporarily logged in. Please RESET your password.