
Life and Ministry Meeting

Import a Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook

  1. Download the Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook in the ePub format from
  2. Go to the Settings and select the Life and Ministry Meeting page.
  3. Press the button.
  4. Navigate to and select the downloaded ePub-file.
  5. Click OK when you are notified about the weeks imported.

Edit the Life and Ministry Meeting Schedule

Add a Life and Ministry Meeting part

  1. In the Settings select the Schedule tab on the Life and Ministry Meeting page.
  2. Select a week from the Midweek Meeting list.
  3. Press the button from the Midweek Meeting Schedule... field.
  4. Double-click the Meeting Item, Theme, Source, Timing or Study column to edit a value in the new row.
  5. Adjust the chronological order of the meeting part if necessary.

Remove a Life and Ministry Meeting Part

  1. In the Settings select the Schedule tab on the Life and Ministry Meeting page.
  2. Select a week from the Midweek Meeting list.
  3. Select a meeting part in the Midweek Meeting Schedule... list.
  4. Press the button from the Midweek Meeting Schedule... field.

Edit a Life and Ministry Meeting Part

  1. In the Settings select the Schedule tab on the Life and Ministry Meeting page.
  2. Select a week from the Midweek Meeting list.
  3. Select a meeting part in the Midweek Meeting Schedule... list.
  4. Double-click in the Meeting Item, Theme, Source, Timing or Study column to edit a value.

Change the Chronological Order of a Life and Ministry Meeting Part

  1. In the Settings select the Schedule tab on the Life and Ministry Meeting page.
  2. Select a week from the Midweek Meeting list.
  3. Select a meeting part in the Midweek Meeting Schedule... list.
  4. Press the button to move the meeting part toward the beginning or the button to move it toward the end of the meeting.