GIBBERFISH QUICKSTART Welcome to Gibberfish! Our focus is on your privacy and security, but we need you to be an equal participant. Below are a couple of suggestions to get you started. PROFILE If this is your first time logging in, you should take a few minutes to fill out your profile, and while you’re there change your passphrase! Click on the colored circle in the upper right corner and choose Personal to edit your profile. PASSPHRASES Good passphrases are extremely important for safeguarding your data. We (and many security experts) recommend creating passwords using the Diceware method. This is the only method of passphrase generation we consider secure. Its easy to do, and it provides ultra-strong passphrases that can defeat even the most resourceful adversaries. Image courtesy While the comic above explains the concept, the Diceware method recommends a passphrase length of 5 or more words for optimal security. Never use a passphrase for your Gibberfish login that you use anywhere else. Always generate a unique passphrase for any service, account or device. TWO-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION Once you’ve changed your passphrase, we also strongly encourage you to enable Two-Factor authentication (“2FA”). This involves installing an app on your mobile device that generates a unique 6-digit code you must enter each time you log in. For someone to hack your account, they would need to know your passphrase and physically possess your phone. This combination keeps you more secure. Because Gibberfish is part of the Nextcloud ecosystem, you can use the Nextcloud 2FA app. This app supports FreeOTP, which can be downloaded in the app store for Android and iOS devices. KEY VAULTS If you’re not already in the habit of doing so, it would be a good idea to store your passphrases in a key vault like KeePass. Key vaults make it easy to securely remember all your passphrases. You will need to lock your key vault itself with a Diceware generated passphrase. In addition, we strongly recommend you enable full-disk encryption on the device storing your key vault. Using this method ensures you only need to remember one passphrase: the one to unlock your key vault. DIGITAL HYGIENE Good Digital Hygiene is the consistent use of robust security practices. By ‘robust’ we mean procedures that have been established or vetted by trusted security experts. These include, but are not limited to, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the Guardian Project and Tor project. We use ‘consistent’ to emphasize that the intermittent use of any security practice is as bad as not using one at all. Once you develop a threat model and a strategy to defeat it, you must apply that strategy every time you engage in private activities. THREATS Understanding the threats you and your group will encounter is an important step in establishing a useful security strategy. The goal is to use only the techniques necessary to protect against your likely adversaries. This will prevent your security regime from becoming so burdensome that you stop using it. Your administrator may have already created a Threat Model describing the security challenges you and your group may expect. If you are unsure, please contact them and ask. Every user must understand your group’s Threat Model and consistently use the same security practices. For more information on Threat Models, please refer to this excellent primer produced by the EFF. EXISTING COMMUNICATIONS It is likely that you are adding Gibberfish to a variety of existing accounts and services associated with your online activities. These older accounts and services may already be compromised. We recommend using fresh accounts for any activity that involves your Gibberfish server, the content stored there, or the activities associated with it. We recognize that this is not always convenient or appropriate for every user. In this case, please take the time to re-secure any account or service you intend to use for private activities. Change your passphrases in order to lock-out unauthorized users who may have gained access without your knowledge. Wherever possible, enable two-factor authorization. Check for software updates for all your devices, including your phone, and install them. TOR Using Tor is the single best way to guard your online privacy. This is why we use Tor to deploy your Gibberfish server. While it specifically refers to The Onion Router project, Tor has come to encompass a variety of free products and services people can use to safeguard their online activities. We recommend that everyone use the Tor browser to help anonymize their online presence. Please carefully read the documentation and FAQ that Tor provides about browsing on their network. They have important recommendations for maintaining your privacy. Importantly, using the Tor browser does not guarantee that all your online activities are anonymous. As your security needs escalate Tor has other free tools to help. When you evaluate your Threat Model, you may wish to investigate Bridge servers and Tails. Bridge servers allow people to access Tor in countries that block it. Tails is a Linux operating system, complete with commonly used programs, all on a USB stick. It allows extremely private computing. Discover these and other Tor services at: {{cd46e64b1866bbe6a23b31295e16224da93f53bb}} VIDEO CALLS The Nextcloud “Talk” app allows you to create and join video calls in your web browser. For best performance on mobile devices, we recommend that you install and use the “Nextcloud Talk” mobile app, which is available from iTunes, Google Play, and F-Droid. CHAT The chat system uses the standard XMPP protocol, which will allow you to chat not only with fellow Gibberfish users, but also with anyone else in the world using an XMPP server. Your XMPP address is @. For example, {{8a4c515a84650365811dbc17bb0077513156dec1}} When you first log in, your chat roster on the right side of the screen will be empty. From the menu at the bottom you can Add Contact. Just start typing and it will automatically search for existing users on the server, or you can type in the XMPP address of external users. To stay connected when you’re not logged in to Gibberfish, you can also connect to the server directly using an XMPP-compatible client such as Adium, Pidgin, or one of many mobile apps. The chat server is also reachable as a Tor “onion service” on port 5222. Ask your administrator for your server’s Tor address. However, when chatting with users outside your server, you have no guarantee of privacy unless you and your contacts use an end-to-end encryption plugin such as “OTR”. Most chat clients support end-to-end encryption, and have guides to help you understand and enable it. DESKTOP AND MOBILE CLIENTS Gibberfish works with the Nextcloud desktop and mobile clients to allow you to automatically sync files to and from the server. This is disabled by default as a security measure. If you wish to use these clients, talk to your Administrator about changing the file access rules. If you decide to sync files locally, only do so if you have turned on full-disk encryption for your device. This protects your files if your device is lost, stolen or hacked It is difficult, but possible, for your data to be intercepted by resourceful adversaries while in transit. For this reason we do not recommend syncing your data without carefully considering your Threat Model and your security practices. FURTHER READING For more extensive documentation of the core features, please refer to the Nextcloud User Manual, which is also located in your Gibberfish home folder. Administrators should also familiarize themselves with the Admin Manual. Finally, we recommend subscribing to the Gibberfish Blog in the News app to keep up to date on important announcements and our canary statement. FINAL NOTES We hope you enjoy using Gibberfish. We have worked hard make it a secure and easy-to use platform, as have the many independent contributors to the various open source projects that we have integrated into our service. Special thanks goes to the folks at Nextcloud, without whom our platform would not be possible. We rely on donations to survive. If you can afford it, please consider making a charitable contribution of any amount at We will appreciate it immensely. Thanks! For security reasons, we only respond to requests from your registered Administrator. If you have service-related questions, please ask your administrator.