30 Mar from 3:12pm to 3:13pm
Andreas changed 5 translations in German, French, English, Spanish and Italian on Eaternity App. Hide changes

In German:

  1. Gib deine Emailadresse an und wir bringen dich in die Eaternity WebApp.
    Gib deine Emailadresse an und wir bringen dich in die Eaternity WebApp.
    changed by Andreas .
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  2. Gib deine Emailadresse an und wir bringen dich zu Eaternity.
    Gib deine Emailadresse an und wir bringen dich zu Eaternity.
    changed by Andreas .
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In French:

  1. Entres ton émail et nous t'amenons à la WebApp Eaternity.
    Entres ton émail et nous t'amenons à la WebApp Eaternity.
    changed by Andreas .
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  2. Entres ton émail et nous t'amenons à l'Eaternity.
    Entres ton émail et nous t'amenons à l'Eaternity.
    changed by Andreas .
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In English:

  1. Enter your email and we will get you into the Eaternity WebApp.
    Enter your email and we will get you into the Eaternity WebApp.

    Enter your email and we will get you into the Eaternity WebApp.

    changed via the API .
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  2. Enter your email and we will get you into Eaternity.
    Enter your email and we will get you into Eaternity.

    Enter your email and we will get you into Eaternity.

    changed by Andreas .
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In Spanish:

  1. Ingrese su e-mail y vamos a conseguir que en la WebApp de la Eaternity.
    Ingrese su e-mail y vamos a conseguir que en la WebApp de la Eaternity.
    changed by Andreas .
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  2. Ingrese su e-mail y vamos a conseguir que en Eaternity.
    Ingrese su e-mail y vamos a conseguir que en Eaternity.
    changed by Andreas .
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In Italian:

  1. Inserisci la tua email e ci si arriva in Eaternity WebApp.
    Inserisci la tua email e ci si arriva in Eaternity WebApp.
    changed by Andreas .
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  2. Inserisci la tua email e ci si arriva in Eaternity.
    Inserisci la tua email e ci si arriva in Eaternity.
    changed by Andreas .
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30 Mar from 3:12pm to 3:13pm