WebTranslateIt Software SL/WebTranslateIt
For example, English only has 2 plural forms, but Russian and Polish have 4. Chinese doesn’t have any plural forms, but Arabic has 6! WebTranslateIt knows about plural forms of all languages, and you can customise plural rules to you needs too. It helps translators translate plural segments very easily.
For example, English only has 2 plural forms, but Russian and Polish have 4. Chinese doesn’t have any plural forms, but Arabic has 6! WebTranslateIt knows about plural forms of all languages, and you can customise plural rules to you needs too. It helps translators translate plural segments very easily.
Par exemple, le français a 2 formes plurielles, mais le russe ou le polonais en ont 4. Le chinois n’a aucune forme plurielle, mais l’arabe en a 6! WebTranslateIt connait les formes plurielles de toutes langues et vous pouvez même customiser les paramètres des pluriels si besoin. Ainsi les traducteurs traduisent plus facilement ces segments pluriels. -
Terminology Database
Terminology Database
Base Terminologique -
Copy consistency increases software quality. Every project on WebTranslateIt integrates a terminology database. The terminology database (or term base) is a glossary in which you can list your project’s vocabulary, decide of translations, and definition.
Copy consistency increases software quality. Every project on WebTranslateIt integrates a terminology database. The terminology database (or term base) is a glossary in which you can list your project’s vocabulary, decide of translations, and definition.
Garder le texte consistant améliore la qualité de votre logiciel. Tous les projets sur WebTranslateIt intègrent une base terminologique. Une base terminologique est un glossaire dans lequel vous pouvez noter le vocabulaire de votre projet, décider de leurs traductions, et de leur définitions. -
It is useful to keep your translations consistent throughout your project. For example, is it “sign in”, “sign-in”, “signin”, “log in”, “come in”, “login”? The term base helps you decide of which term you want to use and stick to it.
It is useful to keep your translations consistent throughout your project. For example, is it “sign in”, “sign-in”, “signin”, “log in”, “come in”, “login”? The term base helps you decide of which term you want to use and stick to it.
Par exemple, est-ce « se loguer », « se logger », « login », « se logguer », « se connecter », « s’enregistrer » ? La base terminologique aide votre équipe à décider une fois pour toutes. -
The Translation Interface
The Translation Interface
L’interface de traduction -
Translation Memory
Translation Memory
Mémoire de traduction -
If your project is already partially translated, WebTranslateIt creates a translation memory for your own project, which is great to keep your translations consistent.
If your project is already partially translated, WebTranslateIt creates a translation memory for your own project, which is great to keep your translations consistent.
Si votre projet est déjà partiellement traduit, WebTranslateIt crée une mémoire de traduction pour votre propre project, ce qui vous aide à garder vos traductions consistantes. -
Some suggestions come from our global translation memory. The global translation memory is a large translation memory made of more than eleven million translations.
Some suggestions come from our global translation memory. The global translation memory is a large translation memory made of more than eleven million translations.
Certaines suggestions proviennent de notre mémoire de traduction globale. La mémoire globale est une vaste mémoire de traduction faite de plus de onze millions de traductions. -
WebTranslateIt includes a Translation Memory. This system is fed from 2 different sources:
WebTranslateIt includes a Translation Memory. This system is fed from 2 different sources:
WebTranslateIt inclut un système de suggestions de traductions alimenté par 2 sources différentes : -
%{greetings}. Your trial period has ended.
%{greetings}. Your trial period has ended.
%{greetings}. Votre période d’essai est terminée. -
WebTranslateIt’s free trial is limited to 15 days.
WebTranslateIt’s free trial is limited to 15 days.
La période d’essai gratuite de WebTranslateIt est limitée à 15 jours. -
Someone, hopefully you, has requested that we send you a link to change your password.
Someone, hopefully you, has requested that we send you a link to change your password.
Nous nous avez demandé de vous envoyer un lien pour changer votre mot de passe. -
Here’s the link:
Here’s the link:
Voici le lien : -
If you didn’t request this, ignore this email. Don’t worry. Your password has not been changed.
If you didn’t request this, ignore this email. Don’t worry. Your password has not been changed.
Si vous n’avez pas demandé ceci, ignorez cet e-mail. Ne vous inquiétez pas, votre mot de passe n’a pas été changé. -
Welcome to WebTranslateIt! We successfully created your account.
Welcome to WebTranslateIt! We successfully created your account.
Bienvenue sur WebTranslateIt! Nous avons créé votre compte. -
Later on, you can sign in to WebTranslateIt at this address: https://webtranslateit.com
Later on, you can sign in to WebTranslateIt at this address: https://webtranslateit.com
Plus tard, vous pourrez vous connecter à WebTranslateIt à cette adresse : https://webtranslateit.com/fr -
Cheers, Edouard
EdouardBien cordialement,
Edouard -
I’m Edouard from WebTranslateIt.
I’m Edouard from WebTranslateIt.
Je suis Edouard de WebTranslateIt. -
You’ve been using WebTranslateIt for a week now and I figured I should briefly check in to see how things are going for you. Do you have any question about our platform? Are you happy with our features? Do you think you've got a grip on the translation process or do you need clarification about some of the steps? Direct feedback from our users is what drives our priorities so feel free to get back to me if I can be helpful.
You’ve been using WebTranslateIt for a week now and I figured I should briefly check in to see how things are going for you.
Do you have any question about our platform? Are you happy with our features? Do you think you've got a grip on the translation process or do you need clarification about some of the steps?
Direct feedback from our users is what drives our priorities so feel free to get back to me if I can be helpful.Vous utilisez WebTranslateIt depuis près d'une semaine et j'aimerais savoir si vous êtes satisfait de nos services.
Avez-vous des questions sur notre logiciel? Les fonctionnalités proposées vous conviennent-elles? Avez-vous facilement appréhendé le processus de traduction ou puis-je éclaircir certaines étapes?
Nous accordons une grande importance aux retours de nos utilisateurs, n'hésitez pas à me contacter si vous avez la moindre question ou suggestion. -
How’s WebTranslateIt so far?
How’s WebTranslateIt so far?
Que pensez-vous de WebTranslateIt?