01 Oct from 8:22pm to 8:23pm
Crystal changed 2 translations in English on Crystal. Hide changes
  1. Foreign currency converter will apear every time when you add transaction in other than your base currency.
    Foreign currency converter will apear every time when you add transaction in other than your base currency.

    Foreign currency converter will apear every time when you add transaction in other than your base currency.

    changed by Crystal .
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  2. Foreign currency converter will appear every time when you add transaction in other than your base currency.
    Foreign currency converter will appear every time when you add transaction in other than your base currency.

    Foreign currency converter will appear every time when you add transaction in other than your base currency.

    changed by Crystal .
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  1. Now Crystal is more frendly for people who use High Contrast theme.
    Now Crystal is more frendly for people who use High Contrast theme.

    Now Crystal is more frendly for people who use High Contrast theme.

    changed by Crystal .
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  2. Now Crystal is more friendly for people who use High Contrast theme.
    Now Crystal is more friendly for people who use High Contrast theme.

    Now Crystal is more friendly for people who use High Contrast theme.

    changed by Crystal .
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01 Oct from 8:22pm to 8:23pm