File a support request

We understand and answer requests written in English, French and Spanish.

  1. Don’t miss our frequently asked questions for the fastest answers.

    👋🏽 Hi, I’m Edouard

    I will be handling your support request. I’m the founder, designer and developer of WebTranslateIt so I can help with just anything technical.

    Let me know:
    On which project, file and segment is the issue happening? Does the issue happen during a file import? Then please attach the language file you are trying to import.

    Don’t hesitate to attach screenshots or language files to explain your issue better.

  2. Please provide a valid email address so we’ll be able to get back in touch with you.

  3. We do our best to reply as quickly as possible, usually in less than an hour Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.

    We are currently based in Málaga, Spain, where it currently is 5:42pm on Tuesday.