02 Jul from 8:48am to 8:50am
Joao Gabriel changed 6 translations in English on LinguaLeo Android Application. Hide changes
  2. Learned!
    changed by Joao Gabriel .
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  1. Learned!
    changed by Joao Gabriel .
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  2. Learned!
    changed by Joao Gabriel .
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  2. Difficulty level
    Difficulty level
    changed by Joao Gabriel .
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  1. Difficulty level
    Difficulty level
    changed by Joao Gabriel .
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  2. Difficulty level
    Difficulty level
    changed by Joao Gabriel .
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  2. Interrupt the training?
    Interrupt the training?
    changed by Joao Gabriel .
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  1. Interrupt the training?
    Interrupt the training?
    changed by Joao Gabriel .
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  2. Interrupt the training?
    Interrupt the training?
    changed by Joao Gabriel .
    Copy to clipboard
02 Jul from 8:48am to 8:50am