10 May from 1:16pm to 1:37pm
matthiasx24 changed 3 translations in German on TeraCopy. Hide changes
  1. Nur Export
    Nur Export
    changed by matthiasx24 .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Exportiere nur
    Exportiere nur
    changed by matthiasx24 .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Angehalten
    changed by matthiasx24 .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Pausiert
    changed by matthiasx24 .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Fehlgeschlagen
    changed by matthiasx24 .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Fehlgeschlag
    changed by matthiasx24 .
    Copy to clipboard
10 May from 1:16pm to 1:37pm