08 Oct from 9:58am to 10:08am
Gunnar Michelson changed 6 translations in Estonian on Manager. Hide changes
  2. Programmi laiendus
    Programmi laiendus
    changed by Gunnar Michelson .
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  2. Uus programmi laiendus
    Uus programmi laiendus
    changed by Gunnar Michelson .
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  2. Programmi laiendused
    Programmi laiendused
    changed by Gunnar Michelson .
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  1. Programmi laiendused
    Programmi laiendused
    changed by Gunnar Michelson .
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  2. Laiendused
    changed by Gunnar Michelson .
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  1. Uus programmi laiendus
    Uus programmi laiendus
    changed by Gunnar Michelson .
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  2. Uus laiendus
    Uus laiendus
    changed by Gunnar Michelson .
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  1. Programmi laiendus
    Programmi laiendus
    changed by Gunnar Michelson .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Laiendus
    changed by Gunnar Michelson .
    Copy to clipboard
08 Oct from 9:58am to 10:08am