25 Jun from 11:06am to 11:09am
Martijn Dekker changed 8 translations in Interlingua on Diaspora. Hide changes
  2. Le creation del commento ha fallite
    Le creation del commento ha fallite
    changed by Martijn Dekker .
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  2. Le commento %{id} ha essite delite
    Le commento %{id} ha essite delite
    changed by Martijn Dekker .
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  2. Le deletion del commento ha fallite
    Le deletion del commento ha fallite
    changed by Martijn Dekker .
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  2. Entrata o commento non trovate
    Entrata o commento non trovate
    changed by Martijn Dekker .
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  2. Conversation non trovate
    Conversation non trovate
    changed by Martijn Dekker .
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  2. Le creation del appreciation ha fallite
    Le creation del appreciation ha fallite
    changed by Martijn Dekker .
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  2. 1 appreciationNulle appreciation%{count} appreciationes
    zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0

    Nulle appreciation

    oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1

    1 appreciation

    otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else

    %{count} appreciationes

    changed by Martijn Dekker .
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  2. 1 appreciationNulle appreciation%{count} appreciationes
    zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0

    Nulle appreciation

    oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1

    1 appreciation

    otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else

    %{count} appreciationes

    changed by Martijn Dekker .
    Copy to clipboard
25 Jun from 11:06am to 11:09am