06 Aug from 3:52pm to 3:57pm
Jakobu changed 4 translations in Danish on Diaspora. Hide changes
  2. Pod statestik
    Pod statestik
    changed by Jakobu .
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  1. Pod statestik
    Pod statestik
    changed by Jakobu .
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  2. Pod statistik
    Pod statistik
    changed by Jakobu .
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  1. Indtast e-mail
    Indtast e-mail
    changed via the API .
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  2. Indtast din e-mailadresse
    Indtast din e-mailadresse
    changed by Jakobu .
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  2. Intet emne
    Intet emne
    changed by Jakobu .
    Copy to clipboard
06 Aug from 3:52pm to 3:57pm