Cloud Penguin/Cloud Penguin
Are ye sure ye wish to feed the tale o'{0} to the fish?
Are ye sure ye wish to feed the tale o'{0} to the fish?
Are you sure you want to remove {0}? -
Blimey! This tale be a cat o'nine tales - our lads cannot feed it to the fish! Please tell 'em to do it again before the next moon. ({0})
Blimey! This tale be a cat o'nine tales - our lads cannot feed it to the fish! Please tell 'em to do it again before the next moon. ({0})
An error has occurred while trying to remove this Add-In, try again later. ({0}) -
Blimey! Ye don't have any tales in ye book of tales!
Blimey! Ye don't have any tales in ye book of tales!
Oh no! you don't have any Add-Ins installed! -
Ye better go to the Bar and listen to some!
Ye better go to the Bar and listen to some!
Go to the CuP Store and install some! :D -
Avast! Me want to listen it again from the beginning.
Avast! Me want to listen it again from the beginning.
Reload -
Cor blimey, the tale o'{0} be confusing. Ye want to listen to it again from the beginning?
Cor blimey, the tale o'{0} be confusing. Ye want to listen to it again from the beginning?
Oops, the add-in {0} has crashed. Would you like to restart it? -
Bar (where ye listen to tales)!
Bar (where ye listen to tales)!
CuP Store -
Title o' tale
Title o' tale
Name -
Tale be told by
Tale be told by
Author -
Add-Ins -
Fancy cloths
Fancy cloths
Textures -
Only show me tales that be good!
Only show me tales that be good!
Verified/Completed Only -
This tale may be cursed, or it may be good!
This tale may be cursed, or it may be good!
Pending -
This tale be good!
This tale be good!
Verified -
This tale be cursed!
This tale be cursed!
Rejected -
This tale be missing some pages
This tale be missing some pages
Incomplete -
This tale have all pages
This tale have all pages
Complete -
Listen to tale
Listen to tale
Install -
This tale be in yer book o'tales
This tale be in yer book o'tales
Installed -
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{0} is the add-in name