Search contacts
Search contacts
XMPP accounts
XMPP accounts
Error: can't add to group
Error: can't add to group
Error: can't add contact
Error: can't add contact
Error: can't delete contact
Error: can't delete contact
Error: can't remove from group
Error: can't remove from group
Error: can't delete group
Error: can't delete group
Error: can't rename group
Error: can't rename group
Fiók -
Editing %s
Editing %s
%s szerkesztése -
Select groups
Select groups
Csoport kiválasztása -
Alias (optional)
Alias (optional)
Alias (nem kötelező) -
Share your %1$s account status with contact?
Share your %1$s account status with contact?
Contact username
Contact username
Kapcsolat felhasználói neve -
Contact not found
Contact not found
Nincs ilyen kapcsolat -
Create new group
Create new group
Új csoport létrehozása -
Barátok -
Group with this name already exists
Group with this name already exists
Már van ilyen nevű csoport -
Set group name
Set group name
Csoport nevének megadása
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