Notify in current chat Notify on incoming messages in current chat
Notify in current chat
Notify on incoming messages in current chatÉrtesítés csevegésen belül
A csevegésen belül a bejövő üzenetekről értesítést ad -
%s (you won't receive messages from any chat)
%s (you won't receive messages from any chat)
%s (nem kap üzenetet egyik csevegésből sem) -
XMPP accounts Manage accounts
XMPP accounts
Manage accounts -
Security Security settings
Security settingsBiztonság
Biztonsági beállítások -
Check server certificate Notify for certificate problems on encrypted connections
Check server certificate
Notify for certificate problems on encrypted connections -
Remove certificates Clear list of ignored certificates
Remove certificates
Clear list of ignored certificates -
Store history Store chat history for OTR sessions
Store history
Store chat history for OTR sessions -
OTR mode
OTR mode
OTR mód -
Attention React for incoming attention requests
React for incoming attention requests -
Attention sound Choose ringtone
Attention sound
Choose ringtone -
Load vCard Load and update contact's personal info and avatar. Disable to reduce traffic usage.
Load vCard
Load and update contact's personal info and avatar. Disable to reduce traffic usage.vCard betöltése
A kapcsolat személyes információinak és képének betöltése és frissítése. Tiltsa le az adatforgalom mérsékléséhez. -
Carbon-copied mode May be unstable! Will share sessions for the same account on this client. Disable to reduce traffic usage.
Carbon-copied mode
May be unstable! Will share sessions for the same account on this client. Disable to reduce traffic usage. -
Key phrases Custom sound notifications for messages containing preset phrases
Key phrases
Custom sound notifications for messages containing preset phrases -
Do you really want to remove all ignored certificates?
Do you really want to remove all ignored certificates?
Key phrases
Key phrases
Kulcsmondatok -
Add phrase
Add phrase
Mondat hozzáadása -
Delete phrase
Delete phrase
Mondat törlése -
Do you realy want to delete phrase: %s?
Do you realy want to delete phrase: %s?
< Any text >
< Any text >
Part of the contact group
Part of the contact group
A kapcsolatcsoport része