redsolution/xabber classic
Your messages can not be delivered. Please join chat
Your messages can not be delivered. Please join chat
Debes unirte al chat para que tus mensajes sean entregados -
%1$s is now online
%1$s is now online
%1$s se ha puesto en linea -
%1$s is now away
%1$s is now away
%1$s se ha puesto ausente -
%1$s asks do not disturb
%1$s asks do not disturb
%1$s pide no molestar -
%1$s free for chat
%1$s free for chat
%1$s está libre para chatear -
%1$s is now unavailable
%1$s is now unavailable
%1$s se ha puesto no disponible -
Export chat
Export chat
Exportar conversación -
Enter file name
Enter file name
Nombre de archivo: -
Send after export
Send after export
Enviar después de exportar -
%2$s for %1$s.html
%2$s for %1$s.html
%2$s en %1$s.html -
History has been exported to SD Card
History has been exported to SD Card
El historial ha sido exportado a la memoria SD -
Chat settings
Chat settings
Ajustes de conversación -
Typing ...
Typing ...
Escribiendo ... -
Entered text ...
Entered text ...
Escribió algo ... -
OTR error: %1$s
OTR error: %1$s
Error OTR: %1$s -
You have left the encrypted conversation
You have left the encrypted conversation
Has abandonado la conversación encriptada -
Opponent has left conversation. You should do the same or restart it.
Opponent has left conversation. You should do the same or restart it.
El interlocutor ha abandonado la conversación. Debes hacer lo mismo o reiniciarla. -
Your message has not been sent. Leave the conversation or restart it.
Your message has not been sent. Leave the conversation or restart it.
Tu mensaje no se ha enviado. Abandona la conversación o reinicialá. -
Opponent attempted to cheat during verification
Opponent attempted to cheat during verification
El interlocutor intentó manipular la verificación -
Verification failed
Verification failed
Error en la verificación
No more segments to load.
Loading more segments…
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