EpicPlanet/레지던스 프로젝트
Cannot remove the last area in a residence.
Area is not within parent area.
Area Updated...
You've reached the max physical areas allowed for your residence.
Area size is not within your allowed limits.
You cannot protect this high up, your limit is %1
You cannot protect this deep, your limit is %1
You are not in a Residence.
You were kicked from residence
You are standing in Residence %1
Residence %1 owner changed to %2
You are not a Residence admin.
Only admins have access to this command.
Residence Chat Disabled...
Renamed subzone %1 to %2
Subzone %1 removed.
Created Subzone %1
Unable to create subzone %1
Subzone %1 already exists.
Subzone collides with subzone %1
No more segments to load.
Loading more segments…
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