Fast Launcher 2016
Kontakti -
Web Search (Google, DuckDuckGo, …)
Web Search (Google, DuckDuckGo, …)
Google pretraživanje -
Phone numbers
Phone numbers
Telefon -
Reset your FAST history
Reset your FAST history
Resetiraj povjest -
Display keyboard on start
Display keyboard on start
Pokaži tipkovnicu -
Enable spellcheck
Enable spellcheck
Omogući provjeru pravopisa -
If available use it to hibernate applications
If available use it to hibernate applications
Omogući root značajke ako su moguće (hiberniranje aplikacija) -
Root mode
Root mode
Root način rada -
Unable to gain root privileges.
Unable to gain root privileges.
Nemoguće dobiti root privilegije. -
Theme interface
Theme interface
Tema -
No favorites yet. Add them through long click.
No favorites yet. Add them through long click.
Favoriti još ne postoje. Koristite aplikaciju da se pojave. -
Whoops… unable to launch that app.
Whoops… unable to launch that app.
Ups… nije moguće pokrenuti tu aplikaciju. -
History erased.
History erased.
Povjest izbrisana. -
Uklonjeno -
%s hibernated successfully, relaunch to awake.
%s hibernated successfully, relaunch to awake.
%s uspješno poslana na hiberniranje, pokrenite ponovo za pokretanje. -
%s not hibernated successfully.
%s not hibernated successfully.
%s nije uspješno poslana na hibernaciju. -
Poziv -
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