Andolasoft INC/Orangescrum
is archived\.
is archived\.
is archived. -
Are you sure you want to archive the task #
Are you sure you want to archive the task #
¿Seguro que desea archivar la tarea # -
Are you sure you want to move #
Are you sure you want to move #
¿Seguro que desea mover # -
from '
from '
de ' -
is already in selected Milestone
is already in selected Milestone
ya está en Milestone seleccionado -
Task #
Task #
Tarea # -
' to '
' to '
' a ' -
moved from '
moved from '
movido de ' -
moved successfully\.
moved successfully\.
movido con éxito . -
task from it's corresponding milestone
task from it's corresponding milestone
tarea desde su hito correspondiente -
Unable to move task #
Unable to move task #
No se puede mover la tarea # -
Are you sure you want to remove #
Are you sure you want to remove #
Estás seguro de que desea eliminar # -
Error in task
Error in task
Error en la tarea -
from this milestone?
from this milestone?
De este hito ? -
moved to '
moved to '
trasladado a ' -
Task to the selected milestone?
Task to the selected milestone?
Tarea para el hito seleccionado ? -
Tasks are moved to '
Tasks are moved to '
Las tareas se trasladaron a ' -
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