Fulmine Software/Speedometer
Find us online: https://www.facebook.com/
Find us online: https://www.facebook.com/
Find os online: https://www.facebook.com/ -
If translation of words "material design" sounds strange or is not understandable in your language, please leave them untranslated and supplementing it with translation of word 'style'.
Beautiful and modern Material Design style known from Lollipop, Marshmallow and Nougat.
Beautiful and modern Material Design style known from Lollipop, Marshmallow and Nougat.
Smuk og moderne Material Design-stil kendt fra Lollipop, Marshmallow og Nougat. -
Speedometer -
Location permission required
Location permission required
Placeringsrettighed krævet -
%1$s requires location data to calculate speed. To continue, grant location permission.
%1$s requires location data to calculate speed. To continue, grant location permission.
%1$s kræver placeringsdata for at beregne hastighed. Tildel venligst placeringsrettighed for at fortsætte. -
Grant location permission
Grant location permission
Tildel placeringsrettighed -
Change permissions in your device's app settings. Grant %1$s permission to access location.
Change permissions in your device's app settings. Grant %1$s permission to access location.
Ændre rettigheder under appindstillinger på din enhed. Tildel %1$s rettighed til at benytte placering. -
Location service not available
Location service not available
Placeringstjeneste ikke tilgængelig -
%1$s requires location data to calculate speed. To continue, turn on location service in your device's settings.
%1$s requires location data to calculate speed. To continue, turn on location service in your device's settings.
%1$s behøver placeringsdata for at beregne hastighed. Aktivér venligst placeringstjeneste i din enheds Indstillinger
for at fortsætte . -
App settings
App settings
Appindstillinger -
Indstillinger -
Hastighed -
Average speed
Average speed
Gennemsnitshastighed -
Maximum speed
Maximum speed
Maksimumshastighed -
Tid -
Movement time
Movement time
Bevægelsestid -
Placering -
Avg. movement speed
Avg. movement speed
Gns. bevægelseshastighed -
Average speed
Average speed