Fulmine Software/Speedometer
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To provide you the most accurate trip data, the %1$s app measures trip distance and speed even when you switch to other apps. The notification lets you know that the trip measures are running, shows the current speed and trip statistics and allows you to stop measures with "%2$s" button while using other apps. This is the core feature of the app and it requires you to grant notifications permission. If you don't grant this permission, the app will not start.
To provide you the most accurate trip data, the %1$s app measures trip distance and speed even when you switch to other apps. The notification lets you know that the trip measures are running, shows the current speed and trip statistics and allows you to stop measures with "%2$s" button while using other apps. This is the core feature of the app and it requires you to grant notifications permission. If you don't grant this permission, the app will not start.
For at give dig de mest nøjagtige turdata måler %1$s-appen turens distance og hastighed, selv når du skifter til andre apps. Notifikationen fortæller dig, at turmålingerne kører, viser den aktuelle hastighed og turstatistik og giver dig mulighed for at stoppe målingerne med knappen "%2$s", mens du bruger andre apps. Dette er appens kernefunktion, og det kræver, at du giver tilladelse til notifikationer. Hvis du ikke giver denne tilladelse, vil appen ikke starte. -
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