Fulmine Software/Common texts for all apps by Fulmine Software (Fulmine Tools Library)
Verfügbarkeit -
This should be the same as in device's app settings (long tap on the app icon, then "App info") Accessibility screen (displayed under app name).
Aus -
Tap and turn on
Tap and turn on
Tippen und aktivieren -
This should be the same as in device's app settings (long tap on the app icon, then "App info") Apps>Special app access>Display over other apps screen (screen title).
Display over other appsDisplay over other apps
Über anderen Apps anzeigen -
This should be the same as in device's app settings (long tap on the app icon, then "App info") Apps>Special app access>Display over other apps screen (text under application name when permission not allowed).
Not allowedNot allowed
Nicht erlaubt -
This should be the same as in device's app settings (long tap on the app icon, then "App info") Permissions>Location screen.
Allow all the timeAllow all the time
Jederzeit erlaubt -
This should be the same as in device's app settings (long tap on the app icon, then "App info") screen (screen title).
App infoApp info
App-Information -
This should be the same as in device's app settings (long tap on the app icon, then "App info") screen.
Erlaubnisse -
This should be the same as in device's app settings (long tap on the app icon, then "App info") Permissions screen (screen title).
App permissionsApp permissions
App-Erlaubnisse -
This should be the same as in device's app settings (long tap on the app icon, then "App info") Permissions screen.
Standort -
This should be the same as in device's app settings (long tap on the app icon, then "App info") Permissions>Location screen.
Location permissionLocation permission
This should be the same as in device's app settings (long tap on the app icon, then "App info") Accessibility screen (screen title).