Fulmine Software/Common texts for all apps by Fulmine Software (Fulmine Tools Library)
By using this app you accept the above information and you agree to our %1$s and %2$s.
By using this app you accept the above information and you agree to our %1$s and %2$s.
Käyttämällä tätä sovellusta hyväksyt edellä mainitut tiedot ja ehdot %1$s ja %2$s. -
Displayed on button that scrolls information one page down. This text should be translated like button "Next>" in many application setup creators (without ">" of course).
Seuraava -
Text on button where user confirms his agreement on our Privacy Policy and EULA.
Hyväksy -
Sulje -
Do you like this app?
Do you like this app?
Pidätkö tästä sovelluksesta? -
Kyllä -
Ei -
Ask me later
Ask me later
Kysy myöhemmin -
Would you like to rate and comment this app?
Would you like to rate and comment this app?
Haluaisitko arvostella ja kommentoida tätä sovellusta? -
Arvostele -
Don't rate
Don't rate
Älä arvostele -
Would you like to report an issue?
Would you like to report an issue?
Haluatko raportoida ongelman? -
To verify
Lock screen button description - when pressed screen will be locked so it won't rotate when device is rotated.
Lock screen rotationLock screen rotation
Lukitse näytön kääntyminen -
To verify
Unlock screen button description - when pressed screen will be unlocked so it will rotate when device is rotated.
Unlock screen rotationUnlock screen rotation
Avaa näytönkääntyminen -
Turn on auto-rotate in system settings
Turn on auto-rotate in system settings
Ota käyttöön automaattinen kierto järjestelmäasetuksista -
Asetukset -
Choose app
Choose app
Choose app -
Exit -
Displayed on button that scrolls information one page down. This text should be translated like button "Next>" in many application setup creators on PC (without ">" of course).
Next -
"Google Play Services" - this is a title of some important component of Android™ system. When translating, please use the same name of this component as found here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.gms
There is a problem connecting to Google Play ServicesThere is a problem connecting to Google Play Services
There is a problem connecting to Google Play Services
%1$s - End-User License Agreement, %2$s - Privacy Policy.