Fulmine Software/Common texts for all apps by Fulmine Software (Fulmine Tools Library)
The longitude coordinate should be less than or equal to 180°
The longitude coordinate should be less than or equal to 180°
Le coordinate longitudinali devono essere inferiori o uguali a 180° -
The longitude coordinate should be greater than or equal to -180°
The longitude coordinate should be greater than or equal to -180°
Le coordinate longitudinali devono essere maggiori o uguali a -180° -
%1$d number of degrees, for latitude it'll be 90, for longitude it'll be 180
The value of degrees should be less than or equal to %1$d°The value of degrees should be less than or equal to %1$d°
Il valore dei gradi deve essere inferiore o uguale a %1$d° -
%1$d number of degrees, for latitude it'll be -90, for longitude it'll be -180
The value of degrees should be greater than or equal to %1$d°The value of degrees should be greater than or equal to %1$d°
Il valore dei gradi deve essere superiore o uguale a %1$d° -
The value of minutes should be less than or equal to 59'
The value of minutes should be less than or equal to 59'
Il valore dei minuti deve essere inferiore o uguale a 59' -
The number of seconds should be less than or equal to 59"
The number of seconds should be less than or equal to 59"
Il valore dei secondi deve essere inferiore o uguale a 59" -
Please enter location name
Please enter location name
Inserisci un nome per la posizione -
Errors found. Please fix them and try again.
Errors found. Please fix them and try again.
Sono stati rilevati degli errori. Perfavore correggili e riprova. -
Couldn't recognize coordinates in clipboard data
Couldn't recognize coordinates in clipboard data
Impossibile riconoscere le coordinate negli appunti. -
Plus code - less formal name of Open Location Code, like here https://plus.codes/ or described here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Location_Code
Plus codePlus code
Plus code -
Plus code - less formal name of Open Location Code, like here https://plus.codes/ or described here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Location_Code
Plus codePlus code
Plus code -
Plus code - less formal name of Open Location Code, like here https://plus.codes/ or described here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Location_Code
Incorrect plus codeIncorrect plus code
Plus code non corretto -
Plus code - less formal name of Open Location Code, like here https://plus.codes/ or described here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Location_Code
Plus codePlus code
Plus code -
Select icon
Select icon
Seleziona icona -
Open navigation drawer
Open navigation drawer
Apri la barra di navigazione -
Close navigation drawer
Close navigation drawer
Chiudi la barra di navigazione -
Impostazioni -
Informazioni -
da -
If you experience any bugs or other issues or you want to propose new features the best way to notify us is to send us a feedback e-mail.
If you experience any bugs or other issues or you want to propose new features the best way to notify us is to send us a feedback e-mail.
Se si verificano eventuali bug, altri problemi o volete proporci nuove funzioni, il modo migliore di contattarci è inviandoci una e-mail.