Fulmine Software/Common texts for all apps by Fulmine Software (Fulmine Tools Library)
App restart
App restart
In order to changes take effect app will be restarted
In order to changes take effect app will be restarted
• Relevant application state
• Relevant application state
• Relevant device metadata
• Relevant device metadata
Failed to open system settings
Failed to open system settings
Download our app: %1$s
Download our app: %1$s
Stiahni si našu aplikáciu: %1$s -
Reklama -
Merač rýchlosti -
Speedometer Pro
Speedometer Pro
Merač rýchlosti PRO -
Kompas -
Compass Pro
Compass Pro
Kompas PRO -
Budíky -
Alarms Pro
Alarms Pro
Budíky PRO -
Battery Indicator
Battery Indicator
Indikátor batérie -
Battery Indicator Pro
Battery Indicator Pro
Indikátor batérie PRO -
Svietidlo -
Zrkadlo -
Download %1$s for free!
Download %1$s for free!
Stiahni %1$s zadarmo! -
Do you want to update translation to %1$s and get Pro version for free?
Do you want to update translation to %1$s and get Pro version for free?
Chceš aktualizovať preklad pre %1$s a získať Pro verziu zadarmo? -
You are using %1$s language and actually we are looking for more translators to %1$s. You can help other users by making translation better or more actual by joining our group of translators to %1$s. Knowledge of English and %1$s as your fluent, everyday use language is required. The most engaged translators to %1$s will be rewarded by getting promotional code to download Pro version of this app for free! When you tap '%2$s' you'll be redirected to our translation system.
You are using %1$s language and actually we are looking for more translators to %1$s.
You can help other users by making translation better or more actual by joining our group of translators to %1$s.
Knowledge of English and %1$s as your fluent, everyday use language is required.
The most engaged translators to %1$s will be rewarded by getting promotional code to download Pro version of this app for free!
When you tap '%2$s' you'll be redirected to our translation system.Používaš jazyk %1$s a práve hľadáme viac prekladačov pre %1$s.
Môžeš pomôcť ostatným používateľom tým, že zlepšíš preklad. Pripoj sa do našej skupiny preklačov pre %1$s.
Najužitočnejších prekladačov pre %1$s odmeníme promo kódom pre stiahnutie Pro verzie zadarmo!
Ak klikneš na '%2$s' budeš presmerovaný na náš prekladací systém.