Fulmine Software/Common texts for all apps by Fulmine Software (Fulmine Tools Library)
A tesseqdaceḍ %1$s tutlayt u yerna nettnadi ugar n imsuɣal ar %1$s. Tzemreḍ ad d-tefkeḍ tallalt i yiqeddacen i wakken ad tuɣal tsuqqilt tgerrez i ugar n waya ddu s agraw-nneɣ n yimsuɣal %1$s. Tamussni n Taglizit ad %1$s yellan d tutlayt n useqdec n yal ass ad tin yessefken. Imsuɣal i ẓewṛen ar %1$s ɣuṛ-sen tarzeft s tikci n tangalt n usmal ara yettwasidren baṭṭel i lqem Pro n usnas-agi. Mara tsiteḍ ɣef %2$s, ak nerr s anagraw-nneɣ n tsuqqilt.
A tesseqdaceḍ %1$s tutlayt u yerna nettnadi ugar n imsuɣal ar %1$s.
Tzemreḍ ad d-tefkeḍ tallalt i yiqeddacen i wakken ad tuɣal tsuqqilt tgerrez i ugar n waya ddu s agraw-nneɣ n yimsuɣal %1$s.
Tamussni n Taglizit ad %1$s yellan d tutlayt n useqdec n yal ass ad tin yessefken.
Imsuɣal i ẓewṛen ar %1$s ɣuṛ-sen tarzeft s tikci n tangalt n usmal ara yettwasidren baṭṭel i lqem Pro n usnas-agi.
Mara tsiteḍ ɣef %2$s, ak nerr s anagraw-nneɣ n tsuqqilt.You are using %1$s language and actually we are looking for more translators to %1$s.
You can help other users by making translation better or more actual by joining our group of translators to %1$s.
Knowledge of English and %1$s as your fluent, everyday use language is required.
The most engaged translators to %1$s will be rewarded by getting promotional code to download Pro version of this app for free!
When you tap '%2$s' you'll be redirected to our translation system. -
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Efk-aɣ-d tallalt
Efk-aɣ-d tallalt
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Tebɣiḍ ad d-taɣeḍ lqem Pro?
Tebɣiḍ ad d-taɣeḍ lqem Pro?
Will you purchase Pro version? -
Tessexdameḍ asnas-a %1$d n wussan-aya. Tebɣiḍ ad tɛawneḍ aneflay s tiɣin n lqem Pro?
Tessexdameḍ asnas-a %1$d n wussan-aya. Tebɣiḍ ad tɛawneḍ aneflay s tiɣin n lqem Pro?
You have been using this app for %1$d days. Would you consider supporting the developer by purchasing PRO version? -
Tebɣiḍ ad tɛawneḍ aneflay s tiɣin n lqem Pro?
Tebɣiḍ ad tɛawneḍ aneflay s tiɣin n lqem Pro?
Would you consider supporting the developer by purchasing Pro version? -
Askar n yiḍ
Askar n yiḍ
Night Mode -
Askar n yiḍ Pro
Askar n yiḍ Pro
Night Mode Pro -
Tibṛatin yuran s tira n ufus
Tibṛatin yuran s tira n ufus
Handwritten Messages -
Tibṛatin yuran s tira n ufus Pro
Tibṛatin yuran s tira n ufus Pro
Handwritten Messages Pro -
Xeddmeɣ yerna s waṭas i wakken ad d-slaleɣ isnansen iṣelḥen yerna yelha aṭas. Tebɣiḍ ad teẓṛeḍ afaris-inu?
Xeddmeɣ yerna s waṭas i wakken ad d-slaleɣ isnansen iṣelḥen yerna yelha aṭas. Tebɣiḍ ad teẓṛeḍ afaris-inu?
I'm working intensively to create useful and high quality apps. Would you like to try out my other product? -
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D awezɣi asenkker n usnas i waskan n tisidag
D awezɣi asenkker n usnas i waskan n tisidag
Unable to start any app for viewing coordinates -
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Tisidag d awrir
Tisidag d awrir
Coordinates and altitude -
%1$s - name of language
%2$s - "Yes" button title