Fulmine Software/Night Mode
Night Mode
Night Mode
الوضع الليلي -
Relax and fall easily asleep by reducing blue light
Relax and fall easily asleep by reducing blue light
استرخي وادخل في النوم بسهولة بتقليلك الضوء الازرق -
Relax & fall asleep faster
Relax & fall asleep faster
استرخي وادخل في النوم سريعاً -
The Night Mode app filters out blue light, which according to recent research studies increases alertness and can affect your natural sleep and awake cycles (circadian rhythm). In addition, it precisely controls the screen's color temperature to provide the most soothing and relaxing lighting.
The Night Mode app filters out blue light, which according to recent research studies increases alertness and can affect your natural sleep and awake cycles (circadian rhythm). In addition, it precisely controls the screen's color temperature to provide the most soothing and relaxing lighting.
برنامج الوضع الليلي يقوم بترشيح وطرد الضوء الأزرق ، اللذي بالرجوع للأبحاث الأخيرة فإنه يضر بالدورة الطبيعية للنوم والاستيقاظ. ؛ بالاضافة الى أنه يقوم تحديداً بالتحكم بدرجة حرارة الّلون في الشاشة كي يوفر الإضاءة المريحة والسلسة. -
Protect your eyes
Protect your eyes
احمي عينك -
When using your device at night or in twilight, even minimum screen brightness may tire your eyes. Switch to Night Mode to activate additional screen brightness reduction through a dedicated dim filter as well as through the main blue light filter.
When using your device at night or in twilight, even minimum screen brightness may tire your eyes. Switch to Night Mode to activate additional screen brightness reduction through a dedicated dim filter as well as through the main blue light filter.
Do not disturb others
Do not disturb others
لاتزعج الآخرين -
If you sleep next to another person or use your device in places where screen light may disturb others, then this app is for you.
If you sleep next to another person or use your device in places where screen light may disturb others, then this app is for you.
اذا كنت تنام بجوار شخص آخر او تستخدم جوالك في مكان قد يكون فيه ضوء الشاشة مزعج للآخرين ، إذن فهذا البرنامج هو الانسب لك -
Read comfortably in bed
Read comfortably in bed
اقرأ وانت مرتاح على السرير -
If you are a night owl who use your mobile in bed for Internet browsing or reading, this app can prevent the screen from turning off, and lock screen rotation to any desired orientation, even upside down.
If you are a night owl who use your mobile in bed for Internet browsing or reading, this app can prevent the screen from turning off, and lock screen rotation to any desired orientation, even upside down.
اذا كنت بومة ليل فتستخدم جوالك في السرير لتصفح الانترنت او للقراءة ، هذا البرنامج بامكانه منع الشاشة من الانطفاء ، وقفل دوران الشاشة في أي اتجاه تختاره ، حتى بالمقلوب. -
Switch quickly
Switch quickly
تحويل سريع -
Just shake your device to enter Night Mode and vice versa. It's an optional feature switched on/off in the app settings.
Just shake your device to enter Night Mode and vice versa. It's an optional feature switched on/off in the app settings.
For Nougat users it's possible to add Quick Settings Tile to quickly shift to Night Mode.
For Nougat users it's possible to add Quick Settings Tile to quickly shift to Night Mode.