Fulmine Software/Night Mode
Aviso -
While night mode is on, certain dedicated system buttons, such as install APK files or granting permission, may be inaccessible. Please pause or stop night mode before using these buttons.
While night mode is on, certain dedicated system buttons, such as install APK files or granting permission, may be inaccessible. Please pause or stop night mode before using these buttons.
Mentres está activado o modo nocturno determinados botóns do sistema, como os que permiten instalar APK ou outorgar permisos, poden parecer inaccesibles. Detén ou inicia unha pausa no modo nocturno para poder usalos. -
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Lamentamos esta inconveniencia. -
Pause for %1$d second Pause for %1$d seconds oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1Pause for %1$d second
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything elsePause for %1$d seconds
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1En pausa durante %1$d segundo
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything elseEn pausa durante %1$d segundos
%1$d second %1$d seconds oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1%1$d second
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%1$d seconds
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1%1$d segundo
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%1$d segundos
Sempre -
Nunca -
When started or paused
When started or paused
Ao iniciar ou en pausa -
Manage status bar notifications
Manage status bar notifications
Change the status bar notifications visibility settings
Change the status bar notifications visibility settings
Applies blue light filter over notifications, lock screen and system navigation bar
Applies blue light filter over notifications, lock screen and system navigation bar
Enable to apply blue light filter over notifications, lock screen, system navigation bar and some other system windows. The granted access will be used by the app only to apply the filter over other apps. The app does not collect data in connection with the accessibility service.
Enable to apply blue light filter over notifications, lock screen, system navigation bar and some other system windows.
The granted access will be used by the app only to apply the filter over other apps.
The app does not collect data in connection with the accessibility service. -
Enable accessibility service
Enable accessibility service
You need to enable the accessibility service in order to apply blue light filter over notifications, lock screen, system navigation bar and some other system windows. The granted access will be used by the app only to apply the filter over other apps. The app does not collect data in connection with the accessibility service.
You need to enable the accessibility service in order to apply blue light filter over notifications, lock screen, system navigation bar and some other system windows.
The granted access will be used by the app only to apply the filter over other apps.
The app does not collect data in connection with the accessibility service. -
1. Tap on "%1$s".
1. Tap on "%1$s".
2. Find %1$s service on the list and tap on it.
2. Find %1$s service on the list and tap on it.
3. Enable the service with a switch.
3. Enable the service with a switch.