Fulmine Software/Night Mode
If you have problems falling asleep, want to protect your eyes, not want to disturb other sleepyheads, save battery or use your device more comfortably, you'll probably enjoy this app.
If you have problems falling asleep, want to protect your eyes, not want to disturb other sleepyheads, save battery or use your device more comfortably, you'll probably enjoy this app.
Se tes problemas para conciliar o sono, queres protexer a túa vista, non queres molestar a ninguén que durma contigo, aforrar batería e facer un uso confortable do teu aparello, seguramente desfrutes desta aplicación. -
Blue light
Blue light
Luz azul -
Blue light is a part of the light spectrum, which according to the latest research studies increases alertness and can affect your natural sleep and awake cycles. Blue light is emitted by many sources including screens on smartphones, tablets, TVs and other electronic devices.
Blue light is a part of the light spectrum, which according to the latest research studies increases alertness and can affect your natural sleep and awake cycles. Blue light is emitted by many sources including screens on smartphones, tablets, TVs and other electronic devices.
A luz azul é unha parte do espectro da luz que, segundo estudos recentes, incrementa a alerta e pode afectar os ciclos naturais do sono e vixilia. A luz azul está presente en moitas fontes, incluídas as pantalla de TV, teléfonos intelixentes, tabletas e demais dispositivos. -
Color temperature
Color temperature
Temperatura de cor -
Color temperature is a way of measuring the light spectrum. Lower color temperatures are considered better for your sleep. Temperatures above 3500 K are better for working. Blue light belongs to the higher color temperatures.
Color temperature is a way of measuring the light spectrum. Lower color temperatures are considered better for your sleep. Temperatures above 3500 K are better for working. Blue light belongs to the higher color temperatures.
A temperatura de cor é un xeito de medir a intensidade da luz. As temperaturas máis baixas considéranse mellor para o sono, mentres que as que están por riba dos 3500 K son as máis aptas para o traballo. A luz azul está presente nas temperaturas de cor máis altas. -
Below are examples of color temperatures emitted by various light sources:
Below are examples of color temperatures emitted by various light sources:
A seguir, achéganse exemplos de temperaturas de cor emitidas por diferentes fontes: -
1700 K – Match flame
1700 K – Match flame
1700 K – Un misto -
1840 K – Candle flame
1840 K – Candle flame
1840 K – Unha candea -
2000 K – Sunset or sunrise
2000 K – Sunset or sunrise
2000 K – Solpor ou amencer -
2500 K – 40W classic, incadescent light bulb
2500 K – 40W classic, incadescent light bulb
2500 K – Lámpada clásica incandescente de 40W -
3000 K – Fluorescent light or halogen
3000 K – Fluorescent light or halogen
3000 K – Luz fluorescente ou halóxena -
3500 K – Sunlight shortly before sunset (golden hour)
3500 K – Sunlight shortly before sunset (golden hour)
3500 K – Luz do Sol pouco antes do solpor (hora dourada) -
4100 K – Moonlight
4100 K – Moonlight
4100 K – Luz da lúa ou luar -
4300 K – Late afternoon sunlight
4300 K – Late afternoon sunlight
4300 K – A última luz do serán -
Advanced features of this app
Advanced features of this app
Características avanzadas desta aplicación -
1. Blue light filter with adjustable color temperature and intensity
1. Blue light filter with adjustable color temperature and intensity
1. Filtro da luz azul coa temperatura de cor e a intensidade axustables -
2. Extra screen dimming
2. Extra screen dimming
2. Atenuación extra da pantalla -
3. Shake device to switch night mode on or off!
3. Shake device to switch night mode on or off!
3. Abanea o dispositivo para activar/desactivar o modo nocturno! -
4. Keep screen on and lock screen orientation to comfortably browse the Internet from your bed
4. Keep screen on and lock screen orientation to comfortably browse the Internet from your bed
4. Mantén a pantalla acesa e coa orientación desexada para poder navegar confortablemente desde a cama -
5. Quick Settings Tile easily switches night mode on or off
5. Quick Settings Tile easily switches night mode on or off
5. Acceso rápido para alternar de modo facilmente