Fulmine Software/Night Mode
Night Mode
Night Mode
Modalità Notturna -
Relax and fall easily asleep by reducing blue light
Relax and fall easily asleep by reducing blue light
Rilassati e addormentati facilmente riducendo la luce blu -
Relax & fall asleep faster
Relax & fall asleep faster
Rilassati e addormentati più velocemente -
The Night Mode app filters out blue light, which according to recent research studies increases alertness and can affect your natural sleep and awake cycles (circadian rhythm). In addition, it precisely controls the screen's color temperature to provide the most soothing and relaxing lighting.
The Night Mode app filters out blue light, which according to recent research studies increases alertness and can affect your natural sleep and awake cycles (circadian rhythm). In addition, it precisely controls the screen's color temperature to provide the most soothing and relaxing lighting.
Modalità Notturna filtra la luce blu dello schermo che, secondo recenti studi, accresce la vigilanza e può avere un effetto negativo sul tuo sonno naturale e sui tuoi cicli di veglia (ritmo circadiano). In più, l'app controlla precisamente la temperatura dello schermo per impostare la luminosità più adatta a calmarti e farti rilassare.
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