Fulmine Software/Handwritten Messages
Handwritten Messages
Handwritten Messages
Mensaxes Manuscritas -
Application name of Pro version. Please translate it and start each word from capital letter (unless there is an evident other standard for app names in your language). Please do not capitalize all letters in "Pro" suffix. Do not translate "Pro" suffix unless it is common to differently name it in your language.
Handwritten Messages ProHandwritten Messages Pro
Mensaxes Manuscritas Pro -
Send personal, handwritten messages using your favorite app!
Send personal, handwritten messages using your favorite app!
Envía mensaxes escritas a man e personalizadas coa túa aplicación favorita! -
Surprise your friends with original, unique and personally handwritten messages. Send from any SMS (MMS), messenger, social media or e-mail app you prefer, using this great tool. Write a text, draw a sketch, a piece of art or create whatever you like.
Surprise your friends with original, unique and personally handwritten messages. Send from any SMS (MMS), messenger, social media or e-mail app you prefer, using this great tool. Write a text, draw a sketch, a piece of art or create whatever you like.
Sorprende as túas amizades cunhas mensaxes manuscritas orixinais, únicas e moi persoais. Envíaas vía SMS (MMS), Messenger, redes sociais ou a túa aplicación de correo electrónico preferida. Escribe un texto, fai un bosquexo, crea unha obra de arte, o que queiras! -
<b>Advanced pen simulation</b>
Advanced pen simulation</b>
Simulación avanzada de escritura</b>
This app utilizes an advanced pen simulation technology to make your handwriting look as if you were writing with a real pen that uses ink. Nothing makes your messages more elegant and original than ink and your own handwriting. Through the use of a stroke smoothing algorithm lines will look amazing and smooth.
This app utilizes an advanced pen simulation technology to make your handwriting look as if you were writing with a real pen that uses ink. Nothing makes your messages more elegant and original than ink and your own handwriting. Through the use of a stroke smoothing algorithm lines will look amazing and smooth.
Esta aplicación utiliza unha simulación avanzada de escritura que proporciona unha experiencia de escrita a man igual que a dun bolígrafo de tinta real. Non hai nada máis elegante que unha mensaxe escrita a man. O trazado das liñas é suave e asombroso. -
<b>How it works</b>
How it works</b>
Como funciona</b>
• Hand write with your finger or stylus.
• Hand write with your finger or stylus.
• Escribe a man coma se os teus dedos fosen un bolígrafo. -
• Use Handwritten Messages as a standalone app to send result to any messanger or other app.
• Use Handwritten Messages as a standalone app to send result to any messanger or other app.
• Utiliza esta aplicación autonomamente e envía o seu resulado a través doutra aplicación de mensaxaría. -
• Use this app as an image source from any messenger or other app that opens images.
• Use this app as an image source from any messenger or other app that opens images.
• Utiliza esta aplicación como xerador de imaxes para calquera outra aplicación de mensaxaría que permita abrir imaxes. -
• This app works as a virtual camera too, so you can use it in any app that launches the camera app to take pictures.
• This app works as a virtual camera too, so you can use it in any app that launches the camera app to take pictures.
• Esta aplicación funciona tamén como unha cámara virtual, de modo que podes utilizada con calquera outra aplicación que utilice a cámara para tirar fotografías. -
• Save your messages as pictures in the gallery.
• Save your messages as pictures in the gallery.
• Garda as túas mensaxes como imaxes na galería. -
<b>Other features</b>
Other features</b>
Outras funcionalidades</b>
• Correct your message easily using the "Undo" and "Redo" buttons.
• Correct your message easily using the "Undo" and "Redo" buttons.
• Corrixe facilmente as túas mensaxes cos botóns "Desfacer" e "Refacer". -
• Make this app personal by customizing the app theme.
• Make this app personal by customizing the app theme.
• Personaliza a aplicación cos distintos temas dispoñibles.
Application name. Please translate it and start each word from capital letter (unless there is an evident other standard for app names in your language).