Fulmine Software/Handwritten Messages
Thank you!
Thank you!
Dziękuję! -
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Kasia -
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New message
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Haha that was great!😉💕
Haha that was great!😉💕
Haha to było świetne!😉💕 -
I love you too 💜💙💚❤
I love you too 💜💙💚❤
Ja też Cię kocham 💜💙💚❤ -
Where is it❓❓
Where is it❓❓
Gdzie to jestit❓❓ -
Application name. Please translate it and start each word from capital letter. Please do not capitalize all letters in "Pro" suffix if it is not common in your language. Do not translate "Pro" suffix unless it is common to differently name it in your language.
Handwritten Messages ProHandwritten Messages Pro
Ręcznie Pisane Wiadomości Pro -
Handwritten Messages
Handwritten Messages
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This app requires storage permission in order to send and save handwritten messages.
This app requires storage permission in order to send and save handwritten messages.
Ta aplikacja wymaga uprawnienia dostępu do pamięci w celu wysyłania i zapisywania ręcznie pisanych wiadomości. -
Unable to send message. Storage permission required.
Unable to send message. Storage permission required.
Nie udało się wysłać wiadomości. Wymagane jest uprawnienie dostępu do pamięci. -
Unable to save message. Storage permission required.
Unable to save message. Storage permission required.
Nie udało się zapisać wiadomości. Wymagane jest uprawnienie dostępu do pamięci. -
Message saved
Message saved
Zapisano wiadomość -
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Created with %1$s
Stworzono za pomocą %1$s
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This text will be handwritten in the app by me to make a screenshot for promotional graphics.
If the text uses not standard US latin alphabet, it would be wonderful if you could send me by e-mail a handwritten version of this text (for example using my app) so I would be able to reproduce it on my own. Please send it to translations@fulminesoftware.com.
Please see app's screenshots in the store listing to spot the context.