Fulmine Software/Mirror
You cannot buy products. Please update the Google Play Store app on your device.
You cannot buy products.
Please update the Google Play Store app on your device.Siz məhsul ala bilməzsiniz.
Zəhmət olmasa cihazınızda Google Play Dükan tətbiqetməsini yeniləyin. -
This product requires an In-app Purchase app which is currently not installed on your device. Install now?
This product requires an In-app Purchase app which is currently not installed on your device. Install now?
Bu məhsul hal-hazırda cihazınızda yüklü olmayan In-app satın alma tətbiqetməsini tələb edir. İndi yüklənsin? -
In-app Purchase upgrade is required.
In-app Purchase upgrade is required.
In-app Purchase tətbiqetməsinin yenilənməsi tələb edilir. -
Localized name of our other application called "Flashlight". Please translate this to your language.
Əl fənəri -
Localized name of our other application called "Compass". Please translate this to your language.
Kompas -
Localized name of our other application called "Alarms". Please translate this to your language.
Localized name of our other application called "Speedometer". Please translate this to your language.
Localized name of our other application called "Night Mode". Please translate this to your language.
Night ModeNight Mode
Localized name of our other application called "Handwritten Messages". Please translate this to your language.
Handwritten MessagesHandwritten Messages
Would you like to try out our new app "%1$s"?
Would you like to try out our new app "%1$s"?
Yeni \"%1$s\" tətbiqetməniz yoxlamaq istərdiniz? -
Social functions are not available on this device.
Social functions are not available on this device.
Sosial funksiyalar bu cihazda mövcud deyil. -
Gallery is not available on this device.
Gallery is not available on this device.
Qalereya bu cihazda mövcud deyil. -
This app requires access to the camera in order to show your reflection. To continue, grant camera permission.
This app requires access to the camera in order to show your reflection. To continue, grant camera permission.
This app requires permission to access internal memory in order to take pictures. Please grant access internal memory permission.
This app requires permission to access internal memory in order to take pictures. Please grant access internal memory permission.