Fulmine Software/Mirror
Update %1$s
Update %1$s
Actualizar %1$s -
This plugin requires the latest version of the %1$s app.
This plugin requires the latest version of the %1$s app.
Este complemento require a versión máis recente da aplicación %1$s. -
Actualizar -
Install %1$s
Install %1$s
Instalar %1$s -
This plugin requires the %1$s app.
This plugin requires the %1$s app.
Este complemento require a aplicación %1$s. -
Download and install
Download and install
Descargar e instalar -
Mirror: Frames - Love
Mirror: Frames - Love
Espello: Marcos - Amor -
Amor -
Mirror: Frames - Flowers
Mirror: Frames - Flowers
Espello: Marcos - Flores -
Flores -
Mirror: Frames - Various
Mirror: Frames - Various
Espello: Marcos - Varios -
Varios -
Mirror: Effects - Various
Mirror: Effects - Various
Espello: Efectos - Varios -
Varios -
Espello -
Many love and Valentine's day frames for the Mirror app!
Many love and Valentine's day frames for the Mirror app!
Multitude de marcos románticos pensados para o día de San Valentín! -
This is a plugin for the Mirror app, which extends it with many great love and Valentine's day frames.
This is a plugin for the Mirror app, which extends it with many great love and Valentine's day frames.
Este é un complemento para a aplicación Espello que engade unha morea de marcos románticos ideais para San Valentín. -
Take beautiful pictures with these awesome frames and surprise your friends!
Take beautiful pictures with these awesome frames and surprise your friends!
Tira imaxes con estes fantásticos marcos e sorprende as túas amizades!
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