Fulmine Software/Mirror
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It's nice, thank you! :-)
It's nice, thank you! :-)
Дажгүй шүү, баярлалаа :D -
You can do much to help us improve this app. For example you can do things listed below. Any help from you is very important to us.
You can do much to help us improve this app. For example you can do things listed below. Any help from you is very important to us.
Та энэхүү апп-г хөгжүүлэхэд туслахыг хүсч байна уу. Хэрэв тийм бол таны санал бодол зөвөлгөө бидэнд тун их хэрэг болох болно. -
Currently %1$s supports the following languages: %2$s.
Currently %1$s supports the following languages:
%2$s. -
Above this text is the list of languages avaliable in application and this is an information that user can change the language to one of them and where can he do it.
You can switch language to one of the above in app's settings.You can switch language to one of the above in app's settings.
Open settings to switch language
Open settings to switch language
By upgrading you get additional benefits and you support the developers of this app.
By upgrading you get additional benefits and you support the developers of this app.
Та аппыг сайжруулснаар нэмэлт зүйлсийг ашиглахаас гадна энэхүү апп-д нэмэлт хийж болно. -
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Апп-г сайжруулах -
%1$s - application title. This is the title of application recommendation email.
Have you tried out %1$s?Have you tried out %1$s?
%1$s та оролдож үзсэн үү? -
I recommend to you %1$s, it's great app for Android! You can get it here: %2$s
I recommend to you %1$s, it's great app for Android!
You can get it here:
%2$s%1$s үүнийг танд санал болгож байна, Андроид үйлдлийн системийн чанартай апп шүү!
Доорх хэсгээс татах боломжтой:
%2$s -
Check out %1$s Android app %2$s
Check out %1$s Android app %2$s
%1$s сонирхоно уу, %2$s Андроид апп байгаа -
Slide left or right to switch frame:
Slide left or right to switch frame:
Баруун болон зүүн тийш гулгуулан хүрээ чимэглэлээ соль: -
Slide up or down to switch effect:
Slide up or down to switch effect:
Дээш болон доош чирэн эффект солих: -
Tap to show or hide user interface:
Tap to show or hide user interface:
Та товшин цэсийг нуух мөн харах боломжтой: -
Long press on left side to freeze image:
Long press on left side to freeze image:
Зүүн хэсэгт удаан дарснаар дүрсийг зогсоох: