Fulmine Software/Mirror
Podesi: -
Kamera -
Select camera
Select camera
Odaberite kameru -
Front camera
Front camera
Prednja kamera -
Rear camera
Rear camera
Zadnja kamera -
%1$s - number of camera. This string is used when there is more front cameras than one.
Front camera %1$sFront camera %1$s
Prednja kamera %1$s -
%1$s - number of camera. This string is used when there is more rear cameras than one.
Rear camera %1$sRear camera %1$s
Zadnja kamera %1$s -
Mirror orientation
Mirror orientation
Položaj ogledala -
Select mirror orientation
Select mirror orientation
Odaberite položaj ogledala -
Size of white rectangle which shines to make better visibility of objects in mirror.
Light extentLight extent
Jačina osvetljenja -
Select light extent
Select light extent
Odaberite jačinu osvetljenja -
Napredno -
Camera rotation
Camera rotation
Rotacija kamere -
Picture rotation
Picture rotation
Rotacija slike -
Automatski -
Flip picture horizontally
Flip picture horizontally
Okrenite sliku horizontalno -
Pictures are flipped horizontally
Pictures are flipped horizontally
Slike su okrenute horizontalno -
Pictures are not flipped horizontally
Pictures are not flipped horizontally
Slike nisu okrenute horizontalno -
Share photo using
Share photo using
Podelite fotografiju koristeći -
Open gallery
Open gallery
Otvorite galeriju
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