Fulmine Software/Mirror
Update plugin
Update plugin
Uppdatera plug-in -
Varning! -
Remove ads
Remove ads
Få bort reklam -
Support the author
Support the author
Stöd tillverkaren -
This text appears on button above mirror in place where advertisements are being displayed (it replaces ads sometimes). When user taps on it, he is redirected to buy "remove ads" feature and get place used by this button or ads to be used by mirror surface.
Expand mirrror's surface equivalent to this areaExpand mirrror's surface
equivalent to this areaFörstora spegelns yta
via denna plats -
Stäng -
Advertisements have been removed.
Advertisements have been removed.
Annonser har tagits bort. -
We want to continuously improve the quality of this product. Please contact us if you experience any bugs or other issues.
We want to continuously improve the quality of this product. Please contact us if you experience any bugs or other issues.
Vi vill permanent göra den produkten bättre. Vänligen kontakta oss om ni hittar några buggar eller andra problem. -
Camera is in use
Camera is in use
Kameran används -
Camera is currently in use. Please close the app which uses the camera before launching %1$s.
Camera is currently in use.
Please close the app which uses the camera before launching %1$s.Kamera används för tillfället
Vänligen avsluta andra program som använder kameran innan start av %1$s. -
Rate %1$s
Rate %1$s
Betygsätt %1$s -
Do you like %1$s? We will be happy if you rate this app.
Do you like %1$s?
We will be happy if you rate this app.Gillar du %1$s?
Vi skulle bli glada om du betygsatt denna applikationen. -
Version: -
%1$s by %2$s
%1$s by %2$s
%1$s av %2$s -
Kontakt: -
Rate this app
Rate this app
Betygsätt denna app -
It's nice, thank you! :-)
It's nice, thank you! :-)
Det är bra, tack! :) -
You can do much to help us improve this app. For example you can do things listed below. Any help from you is very important to us.
You can do much to help us improve this app. For example you can do things listed below. Any help from you is very important to us.
Du kan göra mycket för att hjälpa oss att göra programmet bättre. Du kan till exempel göra saker som anges nedan. All hjälp är mycket viktig för oss. -
Currently %1$s supports the following languages: %2$s.
Currently %1$s supports the following languages:
%2$s.%1$s stöder för närvarande följande språk:
%2$s. -
Above this text is the list of languages avaliable in application and this is an information that user can change the language to one of them and where can he do it.
You can switch language to one of the above in app's settings.You can switch language to one of the above in app's settings.
Du kan ändra språk till ett av ovan i programmets inställningar.