Fulmine Software/Flashlight
Svítilna -
Please translate application name to your language. Please use the same application name elsewhere in this project.
Flashlight - SettingsFlashlight - Settings
Svítilna - Nastavení -
Screen light type
Screen light type
Typ podsvětlení displeje -
Slide left or right to toggle shape or object:
Slide left or right to toggle shape or object:
Posunutím doleva nebo doprava změníte tvar nebo objekt: -
[Rotate automatically, Vertical layout, Horizontal layout]
[Rotate automatically, Vertical layout, Horizontal layout]
[Automaticky otáčet, Vertikální rozložení, Horizontální rozložení] -
[Last used state, On, Off]
[Last used state, On, Off]
[Naposledy použité, Zapnuto, Vypnuto] -
[Small, Medium, Large, Extra large, Maximum]
[Small, Medium, Large, Extra large, Maximum]
[Malé, Střední, Velké, Extra velké, Maximální] -
Widget configuration
Widget configuration
Nastavení widgetu -
Launch app
Launch app
Spustit aplikaci -
App will be launched with light turned on according to settings in the section "Light"
App will be launched with light turned on according to settings in the section "Light"
Aplikace bude spuštěna s světla zapnuta podle nastavení v sekci "Light" -
This is description under "Start app" checkbox (true/false) configuration option for widget. When user chooses not to start app on widget press, application won't be started, only choosen in other options light type will be turned on. For better understanding please add widget to home screen and see available options and those texts displayed in widget configuration window.
App won't be launched, light will be turned on according to settings in the section "Light"App won't be launched, light will be turned on according to settings in the section "Light"
Aplikace nebude spuštěna, světlo se rozsvítí podle nastavení v sekci "Light" -
Poznámka -
In order to turn on LED light on your device, the app must be running
In order to turn on LED light on your device, the app must be running
Abyste mohli spustit LED světlo na vašem zařízení, musí být aplikace spuštěna -
Světlo -
LED light
LED light
LED světlo -
LED light will be turned on
LED light will be turned on
LED svítilna bude zapnuta -
LED light won't be turned on
LED light won't be turned on
LED svítilna nebude zapnuta -
Screen light
Screen light
Podsvětlení displeje -
Screen light will be turned on
Screen light will be turned on
Podsvětlení displeje bude zapnuto -
Screen light won't be turned on
Screen light won't be turned on
Podsvětlení displeje nebude zapnuto
Please translate application name to your language. Please use the same application name elsewhere in this project.