Fulmine Software/Flashlight
You can switch language to one of above in the app's settings.
You can switch language to one of above in the app's settings.
Tilni ilova sozlamalaridan o‘zgartirishingiz mumkin. -
Open settings to switch language
Open settings to switch language
Tilni o‘zgartirish uchun sozlamalarni oching -
By upgrading you get additional benefits and you support the developers of this app.
By upgrading you get additional benefits and you support the developers of this app.
Ushbu ilovani yangilash orqali siz qo‘shimcha afzalliklar hamda ilova mualliflarining ko‘magidan bahramand bo‘lasiz. -
Thank you!
Thank you!
Katta rahmat! -
You have purchased all currently available extensions.
You have purchased all currently available extensions.
Siz hozirda mavjud barcha kengaytmalarni sotib olgansiz. -
Remove ads
Remove ads
Reklamalarni olib tashlash -
This product requires an In-app Purchase app which currently is not installed on your device. Install now?
This product requires an In-app Purchase app which currently is not installed on your device. Install now?
Ushbu mahsulotdan foydalanish uchun qurilmangizga Ilova ichida xarid funksiyasini o‘rnatish lozim. Hozir o‘rnatilsinmi? -
In-app Purchase upgrade is required.
In-app Purchase upgrade is required.
Ilova ichida xarid xizmatini yangilash zarur. -
Umumiy -
Til -
Automatic (based on device localization)
Automatic (based on device localization)
Avtomatik (qurilma sozlamalari asosida) -
This language was set automatically based on device localization
This language was set automatically based on device localization
Ushbu til qurilma sozlamalari asosida avtomatik ravishda o‘rnatilgan -
O‘rnatilgan: -
Screen orientation
Screen orientation
Ekran joylashuvi -
Light on at launch
Light on at launch
Ishga tushganda yoritish -
Keyboard light
Keyboard light
Klaviatura yoritkichi -
Text that appear in settings under "Keyboard light" setting when it is turned on. Means that device's keyboard highlight will glow when user use full screen light.
Keyboard light will be turned on when fullscreen light is onKeyboard light will be turned on when fullscreen light is on
To‘liq ekran yoritkichi yoqilganda, klaviatura yoritkichi ham yoqiladi -
Text that appear in settings under "Keyboard light" setting when it is turned off. Means that device's keyboard highlight will not glow when user use full screen light.
Keyboard light will be turned off when fullscreen light is onKeyboard light will be turned off when fullscreen light is on
To‘liq ekran yoritkichi yoqilganda, klaviatura yoritkichi o‘chiriladi -
LED light notification
LED light notification
LED yoritkichi bildirishnomasi -
LED light notification active
LED light notification active
LED yoritkichi bildirishnomasi yoqilgan