Fulmine Software/Alarms
Alarms by location: are turned on and will show your a note when you approach a specific place. It works indoors too!
Alarms by location: are turned on and will show your a note when you approach a specific place. It works indoors too!
Alarmas segundo a localización: activaranse e mostrarán unha nota cando te achegues a un lugar determinado. Tamén funciona en interiores! -
Tasks and notes: Create checkable task lists or just make notes with a few taps.
Tasks and notes: Create checkable task lists or just make notes with a few taps.
Tarefas e notas: crea listaxes de tarefas ou simplemente notas en moi poucos pasos. -
About 40 colors and over 150 icons to assign will make your particular alarm, task or note unique.
About 40 colors and over 150 icons to assign will make your particular alarm, task or note unique.
Sobre unhas 40 cores e 150 iconas que poderás asignar ás túas alarmas, notas e tarefas particulares. -
Define your own or use one of over 30 predefined categories to filter content and quickly assign icons, colors, ringtone and other properties to alarms and notes.
Define your own or use one of over 30 predefined categories to filter content and quickly assign icons, colors, ringtone and other properties to alarms and notes.
Podes personalizar ou usar unha das máis de 30 categorías predefinidas para filtrar contido e asignar rapidamente iconas, cores, tons e outras propiedades ás túas alarmas e notas. -
Make your app personal by setting one of the many available colorful app themes.
Make your app personal by setting one of the many available colorful app themes.
Personaliza tamén grazas á multitude de temas e cores que hai dispoñibles. -
Alarms: Notes & Task List
Alarms: Notes & Task List
Alarmas: Notas & listaxe de tarefas -
Awesome alarm clock with notes and To Do lists with reminders!
Awesome alarm clock with notes and To Do lists with reminders!
Fantástico reloxo alarma con notas e listaxes de tarefas pendentes con recordatorios! -
Ring at a specific time.
Ring at a specific time.
Soa á hora especificada. -
Many scheduling options available.
Many scheduling options available.
Multitude de opcións dispoñibles para programar. -
Will remind you of frequent actions like waking up, taking pills, pick up your kid from school or rare events like birthdays, name days, car reviews, travels etc.
Will remind you of frequent actions like waking up, taking pills, pick up your kid from school or rare events like birthdays, name days, car reviews, travels etc.
Poderás recibir recordatorios de eventos frecuentes como espertar pola mañá, tomar a medicación ou ir á escola polas crianzas, ou eventos menos frecuentes como datas de aniversarios, santos, revisións do coche, viaxes etc. -
Alarms by location:
Alarms by location:
Alarmas segundo a localización: -
Can ring and show your note when you approach a specific place!
Can ring and show your note when you approach a specific place!
Pode soar e mostrarche unha nota ao te aproximares a un lugar especificado! -
No urgent need for shopping? Don't forget to buy what you need when you get near - or are inside - the store. Remember to ask your spouse to warm up dinner when you get closer to home.
No urgent need for shopping? Don't forget to buy what you need when you get near - or are inside - the store. Remember to ask your spouse to warm up dinner when you get closer to home.
Non é urxente ir de compras? Non esquezas mercar aquilo que é necesario cando esteas preto, ou mesmo dentro xa, da tenda. Lembra pedirlle á túa parella que vaia facendo a cea cando te aproximes á casa. -
Don't worry. It depends on your device, but usually location is determined based on cellular networks or Wi-Fi or both. Usually, GPS is not used so you should see no excessive battery consumption.
Don't worry. It depends on your device, but usually location is determined based on cellular networks or Wi-Fi or both. Usually, GPS is not used so you should see no excessive battery consumption.
Non te preocupes! Depende do teu dispositivo, mais normalmente a localización determínase con base nos datos móbiles, da wifi ou ambos. Non adoita usarse o GPS polo que non debería haber un consumo excesivo de batería. -
When using cellular networks or Wi-Fi to get your location it works indoors too!
When using cellular networks or Wi-Fi to get your location it works indoors too!
Cando se usan os datos móbiles ou dunha rede wifi a obtención da túa localización tamén é posible en interiores! -
Tasks and notes:
Tasks and notes:
Tarefas e notas: -
Create checkable task lists or just make notes with a few taps.
Create checkable task lists or just make notes with a few taps.
Crea listaxes de tarefas verificables ou simplemente unhas notas en moi poucos pasos. -
Convert them to alarms and back if necessary.
Convert them to alarms and back if necessary.
Convérteas en alarmas e volve atrás se é necesario. -
Personalización: -
About 40 colors and over 150 icons to assign will make your particular alarm, task or note unique.
About 40 colors and over 150 icons to assign will make your particular alarm, task or note unique.
Sobre unhas 40 cores e 150 iconas que poderás asignar ás túas alarmas, notas e tarefas particulares.