Fulmine Software/Alarms
Address of good shop with bicycle parts
Address of good shop with bicycle parts
Адрес хорошего магазина с запчастями для велосипедов -
The best recipe for potato pancakes: 1 bag of potatoes 2 onions 1 spoon of wheat flour 2 eggs a bit of salt and pepper. Wipe off the potatoes, mix everything. Fry in oil.
The best recipe for potato pancakes:
1 bag of potatoes
2 onions
1 spoon of wheat flour
2 eggs
a bit of salt and pepper.
Wipe off the potatoes, mix everything.
Fry in oil.Лучший рецепт блинов:
1 литр молока
3 ложки подсолнечного масла
3 столовых ложки сахара
1 чайная ложка соли
2 стакана муки
ванильный сахар по вкусу.
Яйца взбить с сахаром и понемногу влить половину теплого молока. Добавить муку и взбить блендером до исчезновения комочков. Влить остальную часть молока. Добавить соль и ванилин. Добавить подсолнечное масло. Дать тесту немного постоять. Жарить на раскаленной сковороде, смазанной жиром. -
Application name. Please translate it and start each word from capital letter. Please do not capitalize all letters in "Pro" suffix. Do not translate "Pro" suffix unless it is common to differently name it in your language.
Alarms ProAlarms Pro
Сигналы Про -
Alarms Pro has crashed
Alarms Pro has crashed
Ошибка приложения Сигналы Про -
App license verification failed. Please ensure that the device is connected to the Internet and then restart the app to verify with the license server. Further app operation will be possible after a positive license verification. App will close in a moment.
App license verification failed.
Please ensure that the device is connected to the Internet and then restart the app to verify with the license server. Further app operation will be possible after a positive license verification.
App will close in a moment.Сбой проверки лицензии приложения.
Пожалуйста убедитесь, что устройство имеет доступ к сети Интернет и перезапустите приложение для проверки через сервер лицензий.Дальнейшие операции приложения будут доступны только после положительной проверки лицензии.
Приложение будет закрыто. -
App not licensed
App not licensed
Приложение не лицензировано -
This app is not licensed. Please purchase it from Google Play.
This app is not licensed. Please purchase it from Google Play.
Это приложение не лицензировано. Пожалуйста приобретите его через Google Play. -
Unable to validate license. Please check to see if a network connection is available.
Unable to validate license. Please check to see if a network connection is available.
Невозможно проверить лицензию. Пожалуйста проверьте сетевое соединение. -
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Alarms has crashed
Alarms has crashed
Ошибка приложения -
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Alarms on time tab's title. This is a tab saying "On Time" (as a category) meaning that if you choose it, you can see or set alarms based on time. The feature of setting alarms based on for instance specific locations, is also provided by this app.
By timeBy time
Во время -
Alarms in location tab's title. This is a tab saying "In location" (as a category) meaning that if you choose it, you can see or set alarms based on specific locations. The feature of setting alarms based on for instance specific time, is also provided by this app.
By locationBy location
На месте -