Fulmine Software/Battery Indicator
We want to continuously improve the quality of this product. Please contact us should you encounter any bugs or other issues.
We want to continuously improve the quality of this product. Please contact us should you encounter any bugs or other issues.
We want to continuously improve the quality of this product. Please contact us should you encounter any bugs or other issues. -
Never -
Version: -
%1$s - application title, %2$s - company name. For example, in application it may look like: "Battery Indicator by Fulmine Software"
%1$s بواسطة %2$s%1$s بواسطة %2$s
%1$s by %2$s -
Contact: -
تقييم هذا التطبيق
تقييم هذا التطبيق
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Welcome! -
شكراً لتثبيت %1$s.
شكراً لتثبيت %1$s.
Thank you for installing %1$s. -
ملاحظة هامة:
ملاحظة هامة:
Important notice: -
اذا كان لديك نوع من مدير العملية(مثل"قاتل \ \ المهمة"),يجب عليك اما الغاء تثبيته أو ضبطه لتجاهل %1$s!
اذا كان لديك نوع من مدير العملية(مثل"قاتل \ \ المهمة"),يجب عليك اما الغاء تثبيته أو ضبطه لتجاهل %1$s!
If you use any type of process manager (aka "task killer"), you should either uninstall it or configure it to ignore %1$s! -
غير معروف
غير معروف
Unknown -
يوم واحد
يوم واحد
1 day -
%1$s - number of days
The longest variant of plural number of days text. Displayed in places where there is much space. Examples: 2 days, 6 days.%1$s ايام%1$s ايام
%1$s days -
1 hour -
%1$s - number of hours
The longest variant of plural number of hours text. Displayed in places where there is much space. Examples: 2 hours, 6 hours.%1$s ساعات%1$s ساعات
%1$s hours -
The longest variant of "1 minute" text. Displayed in places where there is much space.
1 minute -
%1$s - number of minutes
The longest variant of plural number of minutes text. Displayed in places where there is much space. Examples: 2 minutes, 6 minutes.%1$s دقائق%1$s دقائق
%1$s minutes -
Shorter variant of "info_1_day" "1 day" text. Displayed in places where there is not so much space.
يوم واحديوم واحد
1 day -
%1$s - number of days
Shorter variant of "info_days" plural number of days text. Displayed in places where there is not so much space. Examples: 2 days, 6 days.%1$s ايام%1$s ايام
%1$s days -
Shorter variant of "info_1_hour" "1 hour" text. Displayed in places where there is not so much space.
1 hr