Fulmine Software/Battery Indicator
Currently %1$s supports the following languages: %2$s.
Currently %1$s supports the following languages:
%2$s. -
You can switch to one of the above languages in app settings.
You can switch to one of the above languages in app settings.
Open settings to switch language
Open settings to switch language
Approx. remaining %1$s
Approx. remaining %1$s
Used in notification bar message. Above is status, for example "Charging" or "Discharging" and below is this message that mean for how long the status is, for example:
For 1 day 2 hrs.For %1$sFor %1$s
Rate %1$s
Rate %1$s
Do you like %1$s? We will be happy if you rate this app.
Do you like %1$s?
We will be happy if you rate this app. -
Unexpected error occurred. If you consent, a bug report will be submitted to the developers to help fix the issue!
Unexpected error occurred. If you consent, a bug report will be submitted to the developers to help fix the issue!
Error reporting
Error reporting
Error reporting
Error reporting
Error reporting is enabled
Error reporting is enabled
Error reporting is disabled
Error reporting is disabled
Device ID reporting
Device ID reporting
Device ID reporting is enabled
Device ID reporting is enabled
Display rectangle as a text background
Display rectangle as a text background
You can do much to help us improve our app.For example you can do things listed below.Any help from you is very important to us.
You can do much to help us improve our app.For example you can do things listed below.Any help from you is very important to us.
Rate this app and submit a comment
Rate this app and submit a comment
%1$s - app title
%2$s - list of supported language versions