Fulmine Software/Battery Indicator
Information icon
Information icon
Argibide ikurra -
Warning level
Warning level
Kontuz maila -
Adjust battery warning level
Adjust battery warning level
Zehaztu bateriaren kontuz maila -
Low level
Low level
Maila apala -
Adjust low battery level
Adjust low battery level
Zehaztu bateriaren maila apala -
Charging color
Charging color
Betetzen margoa -
Discharging color
Discharging color
Husten margoa -
Warning color
Warning color
Kontuz margoa -
Low color
Low color
Apala margoa -
Time remaining
Time remaining
Denbora gelditzen da -
Approx. %1$s
Approx. %1$s
%1$s-ri buruz -
Ezezaguna -
Estimatzen... -
Approx. remaining %1$s
Approx. remaining %1$s
Gelditzen da %1$s inguru -
Used in notification bar message. Above is status, for example "Charging" or "Discharging" and below is this message that mean for how long the status is, for example:
For 1 day 2 hrs.For %1$sFor %1$s
%1$s -
Rate %1$s
Rate %1$s
Mailatu %1$s -
Do you like %1$s? We will be happy if you rate this app.
Do you like %1$s?
We will be happy if you rate this app.Gogoko duzu %1$s?
Poztuko gara aplikazio hau mailatzen baduzu. -
Latest discharging
Latest discharging
Azken hustea -
Latest charging
Latest charging
Azken betetzea -
Unexpected error occurred. If you consent, a bug report will be submitted to the developers to help fix the issue!
Unexpected error occurred. If you consent, a bug report will be submitted to the developers to help fix the issue!
Ustekabeko akats bat gertatu da, baina onartzen duzunean jakinarazpen bat bidaliko zaie garatzaileei arazoa konpontzen laguntzeko!
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