Fulmine Software/Battery Indicator
I don't know how to add a widget to the home screen
I don't know how to add a widget to the home screen
Neviem, ako pridať widget na domovskú obrazovku -
How to add a homescreen widget may vary from device to device.
How to add a homescreen widget may vary from device to device.
Postup na pridanie widgetu na domovskú obrazovku sa môže v závislosti na zariadení líšiť. -
After a long press on an empty area on your home screen a menu is usually displayed from which you can choose to add a widget. After choosing it you may scroll to find a suitable widget.
After a long press on an empty area on your home screen a menu is usually displayed from which you can choose to add a widget. After choosing it you may scroll to find a suitable widget.
Po dlhom stlačení prázdneho miesta na vašej domovskej obrazovke sa vám zobrazí ponuka v ktorej nájdete widget, ktorý si potom môžete na domovskú obrazovku pridať. -
If this information wasn't helpful, please find a solution in your device's user manual.
If this information wasn't helpful, please find a solution in your device's user manual.
Ak vám táto informácia nepomohla, skúste nájsť riešenie v návode na používanie vášho zariadenia. -
I have other problems
I have other problems
Mám iné problémy -
Please describe your problem below and tap the "%1$s" button. Please write in English if possible.
Please describe your problem below and tap the "%1$s" button. Please write in English if possible.
Prosím, opíšte váš problém a ťuknite na tlačidlo "%1$s". Pokiaľ je to možné, píšte v angličtine. -
Problem description:
Problem description:
Popis problému: -
Submit report
Submit report
Odoslať správu -
Please provide a problem description before submitting report.
Please provide a problem description before submitting report.
Pred odoslaním správy prosím opíšte váš problém. -
You'll be asked to choose the e-mail client you whish to use to submit the report to us.Please don't edit the e-mail message, just send it. It will contain information which will help us solve your problem.
You'll be asked to choose the e-mail client you whish to use to submit the report to us.Please don't edit the e-mail message, just send it. It will contain information which will help us solve your problem.
Budete vyzvaní na výber e-mailového klienta, pomocou ktorého nám odošlete vašu správu.Prosím, neupravujte text e-mailu, len ho odošlite. Bude obsahovať informácie, ktoré nám pomôžu pri riešení nášho problému. -
We want to continuously improve the quality of this product. Please contact us should you encounter any bugs or other issues.
We want to continuously improve the quality of this product. Please contact us should you encounter any bugs or other issues.
Kvalitu nášho produktu chceme neustále vylepšovať. Pokiaľ by ste narazili na nejaké problémy, prosím kontaktujte nás. -
Nikdy -
Verzia: -
%1$s - application title, %2$s - company name. For example, in application it may look like: "Battery Indicator by Fulmine Software"
%1$s by %2$s%1$s by %2$s
%1$s od %2$s -
Kontakt: -
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Ohodnoťte túto aplikáciu -
Vitajte! -
Thank you for installing %1$s.
Thank you for installing %1$s.
Ďakujeme Vám za inštaláciu %1$s. -
Important notice:
Important notice:
Dôležité oznámenie: