Code Rubik inc./Facebook App Poll
<b>We respect your privacy.</b> Please refer to our <a href='%{privacy_policy_url}' target='_blank'>privacy policy</a> for more details.
We respect your privacy.</b>
Please refer to our<a href='%{privacy_policy_url}' target='_blank'>
privacy policy</a>
for more details.<b>
Mēs respektējam tavu konfidencialitāti.<b>
Lai uzzinātu vairāk, lūdzu skatīt mūsu<a href='%{privacy_policy_url}' target='_blank'>
konfidencialitātes politiku</a>
. -
This poll is in no way sponsored or administered by Facebook. The information you provide will only be used for the purposes of this poll.
This poll is in no way sponsored or administered by Facebook. The information you provide will only be used for the purposes of this poll.
Šo aptauju nekādā gadījumā nesponsorē un neveic Facebook. Informāciju, ko sniedz, izmantos tikai šīs aptaujas veikšanas nolūkā. -
This contest is in no way sponsored or administered by Facebook. The information you provide will only be used for the purposes of this contest.
This contest is in no way sponsored or administered by Facebook. The information you provide will only be used for the purposes of this contest.
Šo konkursu nekādā gadījumā nesponsorē un neveic Facebook. Informāciju, ko sniedz, izmantos tikai šī konkursa veikšanas nolūkā. -
This quiz is in no way sponsored or administered by Facebook. The information you provide will only be used for the purposes of this quiz.
This quiz is in no way sponsored or administered by Facebook. The information you provide will only be used for the purposes of this quiz.
Šo viktorīnu nekādā gadījumā nesponsorē un neveic Facebook. Informāciju, ko sniedz, izmantos tikai šīs viktorīnas veikšanas nolūkā. -
Get Started
Get Started
Sākt -
The poll is now closed. Thank you for your participation.
The poll is now closed. Thank you for your participation.
Aptauja tagad ir slēgta. Paldies par piedalīšanos! -
Your friend <b>%{name}</b> invites you to complete this poll
Your friend
invites you to complete this pollTavs draugs<b>
aicina tevi piedalīties šajā aptaujā -
Your friend <b>%{name}</b> invites you to participate
Your friend
invites you to participateTavs draugs<b>
aicina tevi piedalīties -
Fill in with Facebook
Fill in with Facebook
Aizpildi, izmantojot Facebook -
Thank you for entering the contest. Share it and get an additional chance to win for each friend you refer!
Thank you for entering the contest. Share it and get an additional chance to win for each friend you refer!
Paldies, ka nolēmi piedalīties konkursā! Kopīgo to un iegūsti papildu uzvaras iespējas par katru piedalīties uzaicināto draugu! -
Share the result with your friends using the buttons below.
Share the result with your friends using the buttons below.
Kopīgo rezultātu ar saviem draugiem, izmantojot pogas zemāk. -
You have referred 1 friend. You have referred %{count} friends. oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1You have referred 1 friend.
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything elseYou have referred %{count} friends.
zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11Tu uzaicināji piedalīties 1 draugu.
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything elseTu uzaicināji piedalīties %{count} draugus.
Mēģināt vēlreiz -
Create your poll
Create your poll
Veidot savu aptauju -
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Post on Facebook
Publicēt Facebook -
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View results
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Kopīgot šo saiti, izmantojot e-pastu vai nosūtot tūlītēju ziņojumu: -
Reklāma -
Turpināt -
%{percentage}% completed
%{percentage}% completed
Pabeigti %{percentage}%