Arwix/Sun Explorer
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Civil twilight
Civil twilight
Гражданские сумерки -
Nautical twilight
Nautical twilight
Навигационные сумерки -
Astronomical twilight
Astronomical twilight
Астрономические сумерки -
Notifications of sunrise and sunset
Notifications of sunrise and sunset
Уведомления о восходах и закатах -
Notifications of culmination
Notifications of culmination
Уведомления о кульминации -
Notifications of twilight
Notifications of twilight
Уведомления о сумерках -
Sun is between 0°50′-18° below the horizon
Sun is between 0°50′-18° below the horizon
Угол Солнца под горизонтом 0°50′-6° -
Sun is between 6°-12° below the horizon
Sun is between 6°-12° below the horizon
Угол Солнца под горизонтом 6°-12° -
Sun is between 12°-18° below the horizon
Sun is between 12°-18° below the horizon
Угол Солнца под горизонтом 12°-18° -
Events of the day
Events of the day
Cобытия дня -
Solar activity
Solar activity
Cолнечная активность -
Set Date
Set Date
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