Featured on {0} - See more on our press page
Featured on {0} - See more on our press page
О нас пишут {0} - Детали на страничке "пресса"Parent Translation in en - English:Featured on {0} - See more on our press page
инфоParent Translation in en - English:more
With @wifis_org your neighbors can contact you through your Wi-Fi name. Visit
With @wifis_org your neighbors can contact you through your Wi-Fi name. Visit
C @wifis_org ваши соседи смогут связаться с вами через имя вашей Wi-Fi сети. ПосетитеParent Translation in en - English:With @wifis_org your neighbors can contact you through your Wi-Fi name. Visit
блогParent Translation in en - English:blog
домашняяParent Translation in en - English:Home
домашняяParent Translation in en - English:Home
<h1>With wifis.org your Wi-Fi can receive emails</h1> <blockquote class="bubble1"><p>"Hi, would you like to share your Wi-Fi for a monthly payment?" </p></blockquote> <blockquote class="bubble2"><p>"I just moved into this building and saw your Wi-Fi. Want to grab a beer?"</p></blockquote> </div><div class="content"> <h2>How does it work?</h2> {0} <div class="how_to_subtext"> (Learn more about this free and anonymous service in <a href="/p/faq">FAQ</a>) </div> </div><div class="content"> {1}
With wifis.org your Wi-Fi can receive emails</h1>
<blockquote class="bubble1"><p>
"Hi, would you like to share your Wi-Fi for a monthly payment?"</p></blockquote>
<blockquote class="bubble2"><p>
"I just moved into this building and saw your Wi-Fi. Want to grab a beer?"</p></blockquote>
</div><div class="content">
How does it work?</h2>
{0}<div class="how_to_subtext">
(Learn more about this free and anonymous service in<a href="/p/faq">
</div><div class="content">
С wifis.org ваш Wi-Fi может получать письма</h1>
<blockquote class="bubble1"><p>
"Привет, я бы с радостью воспользовался вашим Wi-Fi-ем, договоримся."</p></blockquote>
<blockquote class="bubble2"><p>
"Недавно переехал в этот дом, увидел Ваш Wi-Fi Может по пивку?"</p></blockquote>
</div><div class="content">
Как это работает?</h2>
{0}<div class="how_to_subtext">
( Узнайте больше про этот бесплатный и анонимный сервис в<a href="/p/faq">
</div><div class="content">
With wifis.org your Wi-Fi can receive emails</h1>
<blockquote class="bubble1"><p>
"Hi, would you like to share your Wi-Fi for a monthly payment?"</p></blockquote>
<blockquote class="bubble2"><p>
"I just moved into this building and saw your Wi-Fi. Want to grab a beer?"</p></blockquote>
</div><div class="content">
How does it work?</h2>
{0}<div class="how_to_subtext">
(Learn more about this free and anonymous service in<a href="/p/faq">
</div><div class="content">
{1} -
<b>YOU</b> rename your Wi-Fi network
rename your Wi-Fi network<b>
меняете имя вашей Wi-Fi сети<b>
rename your Wi-Fi network -
<b>OTHERS</b> see your wifis.org url
see your wifis.org url<b>
видят ваш wifis.org адрес<b>
see your wifis.org url -
<b>WIFIS.ORG</b> allows others to contact you
allows others to contact you<b>
- почтовый ящик вашего Wi-Fi<b>
allows others to contact you -
Choose your personal wifis.org ID:
Choose your personal wifis.org ID:
Выберите ваш Wi-Fis:Parent Translation in en - English:Choose your personal wifis.org ID:
Join now
Join now
Я с вамиParent Translation in en - English:Join now
404 Error
404 Error
ошибка 404Parent Translation in en - English:404 Error
404 Error
404 Error
ошибка 404Parent Translation in en - English:404 Error
Page not found
Page not found
Страница не найденаParent Translation in en - English:Page not found
о насParent Translation in en - English:about
о насParent Translation in en - English:about
<h3>We are making the world's Wi-Fi networks social</h3> <div class="indent"> Founded in December of 2011 in Berlin www.wifis.org helps neighbors to get in touch through their Wi-Fi network.<br> It's easy, social and free. Give it a shot and let us know what you think. </div> <h3>About us</h3> <div class="indent"> <b>Team:</b> {0}<br> <b>Supporter:</b> {1} </div><h3>Contact us</h3> <div class="indent"> Your feedback and support is very much appreciated: {2} Mail us to {3} {4} Write to our Wi-Fi: {5} {6} Follow us on {7} {8} Like us on {9} {10} Circle and +1 us on {11} {12} Follow our {13} </div>
We are making the world's Wi-Fi networks social</h3>
<div class="indent">
Founded in December of 2011 in Berlin www.wifis.org helps neighbors to get in touch through their Wi-Fi network.<br>
It's easy, social and free. Give it a shot and let us know what you think.</div>
About us</h3>
<div class="indent">
Contact us</h3>
<div class="indent">
Your feedback and support is very much appreciated: {2} Mail us to {3} {4} Write to our Wi-Fi: {5} {6} Follow us on {7} {8} Like us on {9} {10} Circle and +1 us on {11} {12} Follow our {13}</div>
Мы делаем Wi-Fi сети всего мира социальными</h3>
<div class="indent">
www.wifis.org основан в Декабре 2011 г. в Берлине. Сервис помогает соседям общаться используя их Wi-Fi сети.<br>
Это просто, социально и бесплатно. Попробуйте и расскажите нам что думаете.</div>
О нас</h3>
<div class="indent">
Наши контакты</h3>
<div class="indent">
Ваше мнение и поддержка очень много для нас значат: {2} Пишите нам на {3} {4} Оставьте сообщение на наш Wi-Fi: {5} {6} Следуйте за нами в {7} {8} "Мне нравиться" в {9} {10} Плюсануть и добавить в круги в {11} {12} Читайте наш {13}</div>
We are making the world's Wi-Fi networks social</h3>
<div class="indent">
Founded in December of 2011 in Berlin www.wifis.org helps neighbors to get in touch through their Wi-Fi network.<br>
It's easy, social and free. Give it a shot and let us know what you think.</div>
About us</h3>
<div class="indent">
Contact us</h3>
<div class="indent">
Your feedback and support is very much appreciated: {2} Mail us to {3} {4} Write to our Wi-Fi: {5} {6} Follow us on {7} {8} Like us on {9} {10} Circle and +1 us on {11} {12} Follow our {13}</div>
ЧаВоParent Translation in en - English:faq
ЧаВоParent Translation in en - English:faq