Gibberfish, Inc./Gibberfish Management Portal
備份 -
SSH Keys
SSH Keys
SSH金鑰 -
去 -
You have been logged out successfully
You have been logged out successfully
您已成功登出 -
Your username and password didn't match. Please try again.
Your username and password didn't match. Please try again.
您的帳號與密碼不符。請再試一次。 -
登入 -
By clicking 'login' above, you are indicating that you have read and agree to the Terms of Service, which are available <a href='%(tos_url)s'>here</a>
By clicking 'login' above, you are indicating that you have read and agree to the Terms of Service, which are available
<a href='%(tos_url)s'>
點擊上方的「登入」即代表您已經閱讀並同意服務條款,查看<a href='%(tos_url)s'>
。 -
Please change your Management Portal passphrase.
Please change your Management Portal passphrase.
請修改您的管理入口密語。 -
Save changes
Save changes
保存變更。 -
Translation errors? Help us correct them <a href="">here</a>!
Translation errors? Help us correct them
<a href="">
!翻譯錯誤?請<a href="">
幫助我們更正翻譯! -
Click the link below to download the VPN client bundle, which contains the files needed to set up your Gibberfish VPN connection.
Click the link below to download the VPN client bundle, which contains the files needed to set up your Gibberfish VPN connection.
點擊下面的連結下載 VPN 用戶端包, 其中包含設置 Gibberfish 的 VNP 連接所需的文件檔。 -
This bundle contains sensitive cryptographic keys.
This bundle contains sensitive cryptographic keys.
此捆綁包包含敏感的加密密鑰。 -
Please save it in a secure place, such as your Gibberfish cloud.
Please save it in a secure place, such as your Gibberfish cloud.
請把它保存在一個安全的地方, 比如你的Gibberfish雲端。 -
We recommend that you review our VPN Guide before downloading and distributing this file.
We recommend that you review our VPN Guide before downloading and distributing this file.
我們建議您在下載和分發此文件檔之前,查看我們的 VPN 指南。 -
No VPN client bundle found.
No VPN client bundle found.
找不到 VPN 用戶端包。 -
Please deploy/unlock your Gibberfish cloud, then return here to download the file.
Please deploy/unlock your Gibberfish cloud, then return here to download the file.
請配置/解鎖您的 Gibberfish 雲端, 然後返回此處下載該文件檔。 -
Download VPN client bundle
Download VPN client bundle
下載 VPN 用戶端包 -
VPN Client
VPN Client
VPN 用戶端 -
DNS update server name
DNS update server name
DNS 更新伺服器名稱 -
Fully qualified domain name
Fully qualified domain name